73 - Shinsou

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A/N: SMUT warning for the entire chapter.

Sow a little tenderness

The mattress felt soft and warm underneath her, as Shouta gently laid her down on the bed. Kaori had imagined this and many more things, but the real thing was just so much better. It had been a long time, since she had had sex like this. The last time she had something like a relationship was the last year of high school when she was going out with that boy that went away to the south of the country.

She was 17 at the time, just like he was and it was the first time (and second and third and so on) for both of them. It was awkward as hell and she had been faking an orgasm and he had taken ages until he finished, because he was too nervous. After he moved, they had broken up and it had been one night stands and short flings since then. Not that there were a lot of those, either. And it wasn't like she could even remember most of them, because she was usually drunk.

But this? Holy hell, this was good. Shouta definitely knew what he was doing with those hands. And that tongue. And that everything. Once he had laid her down on the bed, he started kissing down her neck again, towards her collarbone, at the same time trying to undo the clasp of her bra. It took him a few tries, but he managed and lost no time sliding the straps off her shoulders and tossing it off the side of the bed.

Kaori's hands had moved down to his belt and moved to undo it, which was more difficult than it seemed, considering that there were so many other things to focus on at the same time. Like Shouta's lips moving down from her collarbone and planting small kisses between her breasts, before latching onto one of her nipples and sucking on it lightly, sending a jolt right between her legs.

She felt two calloused hands working to get her out of her skirt and she helped as much as she could with her brain turned into mush. She wasn't even sure whether she was able to form coherent thoughts anymore. She sat up, as Shouta slid the skirt down her legs. She took a moment to appreciate how pronounced and sculpted his muscles looked. How did she deserve this man?

"Your turn." was all she could say, as she nodded at his pants. She had barely even managed undoing the belt earlier. But Shouta just smirked and quickly got out of them, the bulge in his boxers now clearly visible. Kaori gulped. That looked... big. Not massive, but definitely above average.

"Shit, Mr. Aizawa, you're packing..." she mumbled, not even realizing that she hadn't called him by his first name. He gave her another smirk and quickly pulled her closer to him, moving her panties aside and running his index finger over her entrance. He held up the finger to her and she could see just how much it was glistening with her juices. Fuck, was she really that wet? Already?

"I think you'll be fine." he replied with a hoarse voice and licked her juices off his finger. Kaori's mouth fell open, as she watched him. How the hell was he making that look so damn sexy?

"Mmh. Might have more of that later." he said, while lazily circling her clit through her panties. Kaori moaned and let her eyes roll back into her head, as she fell back onto the mattress.

"Fuck, Shouta, please just fuck me already!" she begged. He was driving her insane, going slow like that, no matter how good it felt.

"Aren't you an impatient one..." he muttered, planting kisses on the insides of her thighs, as he hooked his fingers under the sides of your panties, pulling them down ever so slowly, giving Kaori goosebumps all over her body.

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