62 - Shinsou

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When the ashes hit the ground

"Okay, I'm freaked out, what the hell is going on?" Kaminari said, after Aizawa hadn't been back for a few minutes. Kaori was as freaked out as the rest of them, but she knew she couldn't let it show. Not in front of them, that would only make them all panic more and it was the last thing they needed.

There was a loud rumbling all of a sudden and it sounded like some bits off the mountain were coming down. It was scary as hell. Natsuo - who had literally arrived a few seconds ago - looked around him nervously.

"That sounded bad..." he murmured.

"I'll go and check what's going on." Kaori said and got out of the room before Mr. Kan could stop her. She knew he would have stopped her, if he had had a choice, but she was too fast. And she needed to get out of that room everyone was just panicking in. It drove her completely insane.

"Shinsou, come back here this instant!" she heard Kan calling out after her, but she was already at the far end of the hallway. There was no way he was stopping her. She needed to see that Mr. Aizawa was okay.

"Mr. Aizawa, what's going on?" she asked him, gasping for air and leaning against the door frame. He looked back to her for just a second, but got distracted by a group of students that appeared at the other end of the clearing.

There was someone else there with him. A man. And he was getting up, walking a few steps and then turning around to Aizawa with a sickening grin on his face. Kaori gasped when she saw who it was. This guy looked exactly like that weird man she had seen at the scene of that arson case in Hosu.

"As expected of a U.A. teacher. Are your students important? I hope you can protect them all till the end..." he said and then collapsed to the ground. He looked pretty... dead. What the fuck was that?

"Mr. Aizawa! What the hell was that just there?" one student shouted as the group came running towards him. He was that weird tiny guy that everyone hated for some reason. Kaori hadn't quite figured out why they hated him yet, but she also hadn't been spending any time around him.

"Get inside! Shinsou, make sure they're okay! I'll be right back!" Aizawa replied and ran past them into the forest. Kaori was about to protest, but the four other students came running at her at full speed.

"Get inside, everyone. I'll check on this guy." she said and walked over to the body that was lying limply on the floor. What the hell was up with that? Something about this was giving her a really weird vibe.

She checked his pulse and there was... nothing. This guy was dead. What the fuck did Aizawa do to him? Kaori looked at him. His arms seemed to be at a weird angle... were they broken? They looked broken.

She got up again and decided to leave this guy where he was, since he seemed to be very clearly dead. Better not to move the body in a crime scene. She had left her fingerprints all over the place already, anyway.

Getting back inside seemed to be taking much longer than running outside to check whether Aizawa was alright or not. And him running off to check on everyone else didn't make her feel much more secure. But then it wasn't her place to say anything. She was only his student, nothing else.

"Is he okay?" Sero wanted to know as soon as she got back into the classroom. Kaori nodded.

"As far as I know. He was okay the last time I saw him, but he ran off to see where the rest of the students are. So hopefully, he'll be fine when he comes back." she told them. Then she looked at the four new students that had arrived.

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