38 - Aizawa

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I can't seem to face up to the facts

The time until after the exams just seemed to fly by for Aizawa, which was mostly due to him working overtime every single day of the week and pulling all nighters just about every other day.

There were a ton of things he needed to worry about - firstly, the exams for both the first years and Criminal Psychology, the practical exams for the basic training students, Hitoshi Shinsou's extra training and the fact that he had barely any time left to work on the three investigations he was currently actively involved in - the Stain case (which was only paperwork from now on), that arson case (why the department was so slow at case linkage was beyond him) and that new terror group that had popped up with the attack on the Rescue Training Facility (League of Criminals, what a dumb name). It seemed like Tsukauchi planned to tackle the League first.

There was a meeting planned on them first thing in the morning tomorrow (on Shinsou's first actual day at her new job - what a way to start). Some day after that he was supposed to take Shinsou to Tartarus, so they could have a little chat with Stain. Fun times. And after that he'd get on the ass of whoever was looking for cases that might be linked to the arson in Hosu.

And maybe one day he would find some time to grade his students' finals. Maybe he would even get some sleep, but he doubted it. Something always came up that he would lose his sleep over. He had two weeks left to grade the exam papers of all his students, four weeks until the summer camp. At some point he would have to arrange for Shinsou to get some training in marksmanship.

With a sigh he pulled into the parking lot looking for a free space. Hosu Police Department really didn't have a lot of free spaces and the ones that were free were usually terrible. Hopefully Shinsou didn't have too much stuff in her office. He'd hate to have to find a parking space here twice.

It had bothered Aizawa a little that Tsukauchi had to schedule Shinsou's move for the day after her last exam. Wasn't he going to give her at least a little bit of a break? (Wasn't he going to give him a little bit of a break?) Apparently not. Well, maybe it was for the better to get that out of the way soon.

After a while Aizawa had finally managed to park his car somewhat close to the entrance and got out. Hopefully, this wouldn't take too long, so he could get started on grading those exams.

When he walked into the building, he was greeted with a bored nod by the receptionist. He had been here so much lately that she already knew who he was.The first time Aizawa had to pass her was grating. She was the kind of woman that was always reading a book and got angry when you disturbed her for whatever reason. And when he said angry, he meant scary angry.

He was quite thankful she just let him pass with nothing but a nod now. It made life easier for both of them. Aizawa hoped he remembered where Shinsou's office was. He'd only been there one time and that was right before Stain was caught, so chances were he had forgotten.

"Mr. Aizawa, where are you off to?" he heard a voice say behind him. As he turned around he saw Kaori Shinsou leaning against a doorframe, a big smile on her face. She looked much more relaxed than just a few days ago.

"I thought your office was further down the hall." Aizawa said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He always prided himself on a good memory, but he could barely remember anything that happened that evening before they left the station. Kaori chuckled quietly and shook her head.

"Nope, right here. Feels weird to be in the station without the uniform, but I had to turn it in already." she replied, as she was disappearing into her old office. Aizawa followed her, seeing that almost everything was packed up in boxes already. Hirota was sitting in his half of the office, his legs up on his desk, throwing an old tennis ball up in the air and catching it again.

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