113 - Shinsou

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'Cause you're mine

Kaori Shinsou didn't know just how she was going to survive the day. They had gotten home fairly early and Shouta hadn't wasted a second in getting her undressed and on the bed. But then he hadn't spent the last hour having sex with her, oh no. He had spent it weaving intricate patterns of knots around her body, making sure they were tight, but not too tight, until almost all of Kaori's body was enclosed in rope. And they would have to go to work soon, which meant...

"That rope is staying on. Until we're finished with work." Shouta said with a smirk, as he appreciatively ran his hands over the pattern he had woven on her skin. Kaori groaned. She was already frustrated enough and he wanted to tease her even more? Damn it. If she didn't like him as much as she did, she'd have left his ass right about now. Good for him she really, really liked him.

"Shou! How am I going to hide this? It's gonna show!" Kaori protested. She knew that excuse wouldn't fly, but she could at least try. Wearing this all day would literally leave her unable to focus for the entire day. She already had a hard time focussing with Shouta in the same office.

"I think I remember you wearing a turtleneck when we drove here?" he asked. Kaori narrowed her eyes. He was right, of course. Damn that turtleneck. Damn it, damn it, damn it. Why did she have to wear that? She had known that it would only give him ideas. And now here she was, tied up in a rope harness, aching for some release. And he wanted her to go to work.

"Shou... please..." she begged. He smirked at her and leaned in close, kissing her hungrily, before getting up from the bed and handing her her clothes. Kaori groaned, taking them out of his hands and letting herself fall back onto the bed. She needed a minute if she was supposed to make it through the day.

"Just relax, Kaori. It'll be even better once we get back home. I promise." Shouta said and pressed a kiss to her forehead, before heading to the bathroom to get ready for work himself. Kaori sighed and sat up again, eyeing the clothes she had with her. It was an office day today, so no uniform requirement.

Kaori sighed and put on her panties and her bra (although that was more difficult than thought) and then started getting into a pair of tights. She already felt light-headed and she knew that this would barely go away over time. Every time she moved she felt the rope against her skin, reminding her of what was in store for her later. It was torture. Sweet, sweet torture.

She put on her skirt and rolled the turtleneck pullover over her head. Once she was done she looked at herself in the mirror. No trace of any rope. It was practically invisible to anyone who'd just see her like this in the hallways. Just her and Shouta would know about this, which made it even hotter.

Fuck. She was already thinking about it again. This was so fucking frustrating. How the hell did he expect her to get through an entire shift like this? She'd honestly be surprised if they made it through the entire day without Shouta locking the office door and fucking her on his desk.

"We gotta leave in ten minutes, Kaori!" Shouta called from the other room. That snapped her back to reality, as she quickly headed into the bathroom to wash her face and get her hair in some sort of acceptable shape.

"What are we having for dinner?" Kaori wanted to know, as she tugged a few loose strands of hair into the messy bun she had fabricated. She'd be able to make a much nicer one, but she had no time for that and it was also the night shift. There was no need to look nice, just sort of presentable.

"I don't know, what do you want? Canteen's already going to be closed by the time we get there." Shouta replied. Kaori rolled her eyes. The stupid canteen was always closed, she didn't know why they even had one in the first place. Well, it was open sometimes, but never when she was around.

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