101 - Shinsou

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I wanna be on the front line, knotted up suit ties

Kaori Shinsou gulped when she looked out of the window of the car. She had expected a lot of things this morning, but not... this. Shouta had woken her up early, so she could get her stuff, shower and get ready and then they got on their way to head to the meeting point for this top secret operation.

"That's a lot of people, Shouta..." she muttered as her eyes wandered over the crowds of police officers. There were a few that she recognized and that she knew of, mostly because she had worked with them before or because she had seen them at some meetings, or because they were on the news.

"It's a big raid. It really is a shame you don't have your gun license yet, I absolutely don't like having you go in there without a weapon..." Shouta muttered. Kaori gulped. She had been thinking about that, but... well, she had no license. A lot of the officers here had no license for a weapon and would be standing back, but she was supposed to stay close to Shouta. Which was nice, but also... well, she'd be close to everything happening and that meant it could get dangerous.

"Yeah, well... it is what it is. Let's get going, I guess. Get this over with. Looks like they might start with the briefing soon." Kaori replied and got out of the car. She walked to the back of the car, getting her bulletproof vest from the backseat. This thing was heavy as hell, but... well, better than a bullet in her guts.

"Are you getting any more gear than that and the helmet?" Shouta asked, as he watched her gearing up. Kaori sure hoped so. They'd usually have a van full of equipment at operations like these, where they'd get another lecture about not using excessive force and so on and so forth.

"Yeah, I suppose so. I guess I'll go with a taser and a baton." Kaori replied. Shouta nodded and put on his own vest.

"Alright. Kaori, before we go in there... I want you to stay close to me. Please don't go running off somewhere. Don't get yourself in trouble." Shouta said quietly, looking around at everyone else.

"Aww, are you worried about me?" she asked with a grin on her face. She was joking about it, but inside she felt her heart jump a little. Shouta being worried about her was one of those things she relished in.

"Of course I am. Don't even joke about that. If they're going to hold you hostage, I will go back in against orders and kill every single person there." he answered. Kaori smiled and leaned against the car.

"Wow. That was weirdly romantic for you. I promise I'll be careful and stick as close to you as possible. Without it being weird."

"Good. Let's go, before they start without us, then." Shouta told her, as they made their way towards the group that was gathered around the officer leading the operation. Kaori looked around and thought she spotted Hirota, but she wasn't sure about it. The same students that had been at the meeting were also here.

There was Kirishima, together with Tamaki and the guy from Osaka, Toyomitsu. There was Sasaki with Midoriya and Mirio and Tatsuma with Hado, Uraraka and Asui. They all seemed to be more or less on the front lines, which was weird considering they were just students. It was odd how the Commission was okay with that. Then again, they usually made some odd decisions.

"We know where we're headed, but it could still be a slog if they know what they're doing. On that note... We've got a list going around with these Hassaikai punks' registered names and anything that might be important. As much as we could figure out, anyway. Drill them into your heads! Don't give them time to take the child away or destroy the drugs or get away themselves! We're hoping to capture every lowlife there as quickly as possible." the leading officer announced.

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