1 - Aizawa

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Middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start

Shouta Aizawa had definitely not had enough sleep for this. He was standing around outside, a cup of cheap (and outright terrible) coffee in his hand. The rain was falling down on him heavily and he felt like he might never get rid of the bags under his eyes. Not at this rate anyway.

He had gotten the call at around 1 am. Why he was still awake at that time was as much of a mystery to him as to anyone else. They had told him to come here, there was another one, he should probably see the scene, maybe there was some way he could help with the investigation.

It was 1.15 am when he had finally found the energy to get dressed and get ready to leave the house. He had no idea how long this all would take so he figured it would only be logical to take all the materials he needed for his class the next morning. Hopefully he would get some sleep in-between, but with his luck he probably wouldn't even make it to class. If that was the case, at least he didn't have to deal with the students. That was a plus.

It was 1.30 am when he was done washing his face, putting his long, black hair in a loose bun and throwing on a dress shirt, a pullover and one of his many pairs of black pants. He had grabbed his bag, his phone, keys, wallet and car keys and had made his way to the crime scene.

It was 2 am when he arrived and had found a spot to park. Thankfully that wasn't all too difficult at 2 in the morning. There was also practically no traffic, which was a big plus for Aizawa, as he really didn't like driving all too much. It was alright when he was the only person on the road, however.

It was 2.03 am when he got to the murder scene. The little side street was already busy with police walking around. There was police tape to stop anyone from getting too close (except for the crime scene investigators with the proper training). It was quite satisfying for Aizawa to see that only qualified people were currently crossing the police tape.

He walked up to the policemen standing around trying to find any familiar faces. Tsukauchi had called him this early in the morning and he better have a damn good reason to make him pull an all-nighter. Again.

"Sorry, Sir, are you looking for someone?" a police officer asked. He had a roundish face and ginger hair, his features looking almost cat-like.

"Aizawa Shouta, Homicide Investigations Unit. Tsukauchi called me over." he said and held up his police badge quickly. He was only really called in for special investigations since he started teaching at the Academy. Which gave him a chance to only have a look at the really interesting murders.

"Tsukauchi is still taking some details, so... if you wanna get a coffee or something, there's a convenience store just around the corner." the officer said. Aizawa nodded.

"The coffee any good?" he wanted to know. The officer grimaced and shrugged, before answering.

"Not really. It's the only thing around."

"I see. Well, it'll have to do, I guess."

It was 2.14 am when Aizawa came back with a paper cup full of watery coffee in his hand. Aizawa liked his coffee strong and black, but this one was just black. It was better than nothing.

"Ah, there you are! I thought I saw your car earlier." he heard a voice next to him say. He turned around and saw Tsukauchi walking towards him, a small notebook in his hands. Aizawa wondered how he managed to keep that dry.

"You weren't ready when I got here, so I got coffee." he replied. Tsukauchi glanced at the cup and grimaced.

"You must be hard-pressed if you resort to that stuff." he remarked. Aizawa just shrugged. He didn't really feel like explaining himself to anyone right now. He was still slightly annoyed that he had been disturbed at that time. Not that he was planning on doing anything, but still. It bothered him.

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