104 - Aizawa

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Hey are you listening, I cannot reach you

Shouta Aizawa had to have ten stitches in his shoulder for the stab wound he had sustained during the raid. But after he got the stitches, he soon was up and running again. He couldn't say the same for Kaori. Kaori had by far gotten some of the worst injuries. She had been put in a medically induced coma right after she had arrived at the hospital. She had been shot in her leg, but that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that she fell on her head as she collapsed and was passed out for a good while. For some reason - and Aizawa was sure it was a stupid reason - she had the visor of her helmet up and of course there was a pebble that she laded on and that just dug into her skull upon impact.

And now she was here - in a coma. This was the second day and they wanted to keep her for three days for observation. They were afraid that the injury to her brain might make it swell and cause any blood vessels to burst. So far everything seemed to look good, but of course everyone just wanted to make sure.

Aizawa hated waiting around like that. He had been sitting at her bedside for hours yesterday, but it just made him more upset. He needed to do something to distract himself from the possibility that... that she might die or never be the same again or... it just hurt to think about it.

He had started checking in on all the other students that had gotten injured - Mirio, Midoriya, Kirishima. And then there was Eri who still had a fever and wasn't allowed to see anyone. And then there was Sasaki who was in critical condition and... it didn't look good for him. Not good at all.

And then of course it happened. Midoriya went to see Sasaki and Mirio was in there as well and... he died. He died right there in front of them. And of course they would be blaming themselves for all of it, no matter how many people told them that it wasn't their fault. Aizawa sighed.

That wasn't the only thing that was going wrong. Apparently the League had managed to attack the prison transport, cutting off Chisaki's hands and stealing the bullets with the drugs in the process. The League had attacked a prison van, assaulted the prisoner and stolen valuable evidence. Aizawa could already hear the press running their mouths over that. It was giving him a headache.

Sure, the raid had been successful since they had managed to get the girl out, but... the drug was still out there and in the hands of a known terrorist organization nonetheless. And he just knew that no one would pay any attention to that fact until it was too late, because everyone had so much else on their plates.

At least they had gotten the girl out of there. Her injuries and her condition were horrific and Aizawa could barely even imagine how much she had been suffering all this time. He was almost glad that the doctors had been keeping him there so they could consult him on whatever effects all this torture might have had on her mind. It was a grim thing to think about, but if he could help in any way to make things easier for this poor little girl... he'd do it.

He was on his way to see one of the doctors once again at this very moment. He was probably annoying them, constantly asking about Kaori's condition and about Eri, but he just had to know. He could barely think straight, knowing the condition that Kaori was in and he couldn't even dream of sleeping. Whenever he closed his eyes, his mind wandered between Kaori in her coma and Eri and all the horrible things that had happened to her and how she couldn't even smile.

He took a deep breath when he knocked at the doctor's office. They probably thought he was some weird kind of stalker with how much time he spent at Kaori's side, but... he just couldn't help it. He needed to make sure she was still there and she was still alive and he could still see her heart beating and hear her breath. He wouldn't be able to get even a minute of rest otherwise.

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