71 - Shinsou

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Some kind of night into your darkness

There was a slight drizzle of rain when they had left the bar and Kaori was a little annoyed she hadn't brought an umbrella or even a rain jacket. But she was also drunk enough not to care too much about that.

It was like they had gotten out of the bar at a magical time - it was dark outside, but the streets were illuminated by golden streetlights and signs from bars. There was laughter and cheering from people on the streets, there was music coming from some of the bars and through the rain drizzle it all just seemed to merge into one big, otherworldly plane where everything was possible and nothing was real.

Kaori was tired and exhausted after going through a million of intense emotions today, but something about this whole day made her want to stay up, to go somewhere else and do something, maybe a quiet little place that had coffee and cute, little pastries... was the library still open?

They didn't have any food or drink, but somehow the thought of sitting at a darkened desk, surrounded by a bunch of books, in complete darkness except for the dim light of the reading lamps and having a whispered and hushed conversation with Aizawa seemed comforting and exciting at the same time.

But then again the library would take ages to get to. Kaori wondered whether Aizawa had any plans. He seemed almost a little overwhelmed as they slowly made their way through the streets and alleyways.

"Do you have a plan, Mr. Aizawa?" she asked, turning back to him. His hair was falling out of his bun messily, as he smiled down at her.

"You know, at this stage it'll be more appropriate if you call me Shouta. Only in private, of course." he told her.

"Okay, sure thing, Mr. Aizawa." Kaori responded without thinking. Aizawa shook his head at her.

"Shouta." he repeated slowly.

"Right. Sorry. Shouta. So, do we have a plan, Shouta?"

"Not really. I just needed to get out of there. Get some fresh air. Get away from all those people. And I'm kind of tired." he admitted. Kaori nodded. She was tired, too, but she just wanted to stay up longer and spend some time with him, even if they were just sitting around, talking.

But was he telling her he wanted her to leave him alone? And she just didn't get the hint? After all, he was still her professor and everything. And they had made a deal earlier in the week...

"I suppose I better head home then and let you get some sleep." she said, tentatively stepping away from him. He gave her a confused look and reached out for her wrist to hold her back.

"No, no, no. I don't want you to go yet. I like spending time with you. Besides, you're in no condition to go home on your own." he replied. Kaori smiled a little and turned back towards him.

"I don't really want to go home yet. I feel like I want to do something. Nothing exhausting, just something relaxed, you know?" she said.

"You wanna get some food? I don't think I've eaten since before the press conference." he suggested. It was only when he mentioned food that Kaori realized just how hungry she really was.

"Food actually sounds really good. Say, is that offer of going back to your place still on?" Kaori wanted to know with a smirk. Shouta laughed quietly and pulled her closer, putting his arm around her waist.

"I don't know why you'd want to go back there, but sure." he answered, the smirk on his face growing wider.

"Why wouldn't I want to?"

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