107 - Shinsou

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Call off the search for your soul

Kaori Shinsou wasn't exactly sure how to feel about going back to the hospital with Shouta. Sure, she had to go to her appointment and all, but Shouta also wanted her to meet the girl. The girl that he'd most likely be taking in to take care of. Well, him and the rest of the U.A. staff.

Kaori didn't really know how to feel about it. She knew that this was not about her at all. And she had no say in what Shouta did with his life. But... well, she was kind of worried. Would that mean they wouldn't be a thing anymore? What was she supposed to do in this situation? It was confusing.

She hadn't really signed up for Shouta adopting a child without her. And that didn't mean she was completely opposed to it or anything, it just all was happening so suddenly and on top of her injury that might or might not end her entire career. And she knew that it wasn't really anything that Shouta had planned and she felt terrible for thinking in such a selfish way, but... why couldn't she be a little selfish?

She sighed. Well, there was nothing she could do. Shouta was giving her a ride to the hospital, so she could get her leg checked and he told her she'd meet Eri, too. Maybe it would be fun. Kaori had never really thought of having kids or anything like that. It seemed like all that was so far into the future and she'd be solving a lot of crime before that. So Eri did kind of come as a shock.

Well, maybe the doctors would say she could never really walk again the way she was walking before and this whole thing would solve itself. She could drop out of university and become Shouta's secretary or whatever. Take care of Eri. Make coffee for him. She was good at making coffee.

The thought alone was tearing her heart apart from the inside. She hadn't imagined her life to turn out like that. She had imagined a lot of ways everything could go wrong, but not this particular one. And yes, maybe something like that wouldn't be so bad, but would she actually be happy like that? She had no idea. And if she was being honest, she didn't really want to risk trying it.

Well, she had no choice now. She saw Shouta waiting at his car already, as she limped over to where he was. She had to admit that her leg had gotten better. She had done her walks and her stretches each day and diligently rested the rest of the time and she could walk without help now, even though she was still limping. So maybe she was getting better. But she was far from back to normal.

Shouta was leaning against his car, already waiting for her. She remembered that time he had picked her up from her home to take her to RTF. And then the attack happened. He had a pack of cigarettes in his car and right now Y/N wanted nothing more than a smoke. She wondered if they were still there. Uehara had taken away all her cigarettes and all her weed as well. She couldn't even roll herself a joint that might help with the pain from her wounds. It really sucked.

"Well, let's get this over with, Mr. Aizawa." Kaori said, as she got closer to the car. He opened the door for her, as he watched her limping towards the car. Kaori wondered what the hell he was thinking about. He looked like something was on his mind, as she climbed inside the car.

Kaori watched him walk around to the other side wordlessly, before getting into the driver's seat and slamming the door shut behind him. He still didn't say anything, as he started the car and Kaori could think of a million reasons for that. But the only one that stood out to her was that he was trying to break up with her. She kept fidgeting with the hem of her blouse nervously.

"So, uhm... I get to meet Eri today then?" she asked, after they had left the campus and Shouta still hadn't said a single word to her. Again, he just nodded silently. It was driving her crazy. She leaned her head back and sighed.

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