4 - Shinsou

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When the winter's in full swing and your dreams just aren't coming true

There was some mystery around the food in the U.A. canteen. It wasn't your typical What the hell are they trying to sell us as food? type of thing. The mystery was how food this cheap was so incredibly good. Kaori Shinsou had always despised canteen food and had refused to eat at the canteen at U.A. for the longest time. She never went back to prepared lunches after she had eaten there for the first time. It was good and what was even better - it was cheap.

"So, what did he want from you?" Kaori heard her friend Uehara say. She looked up from her plate and into her round face that was framed by light brown hair. Uehara always did her best to look cute - long fringe, pastel colours, bows and hair clips - but once you had seen her upset about something the whole masquerade just wasn't the same anymore. Hana Uehara was a beast.

"Who?" Kaori asked, not quite sure what she meant. Uehara rolled her eyes and gave her a big grin.

"Professor Aizawa, of course!" Uehara replied. Ah. Right. Kaori just shrugged and tried to play it off. She knew that Uehara thought Aizawa was basically a male model and the pinnacle of sex appeal. She didn't want to encourage that by agreeing with her, even though she regularly caught herself thinking about how handsome he was during his lectures. After all, it was a fact that he was attractive.

"Not much. Just something about my assignments and how I keep procrastinating on them. And on my TA application. That's all." Kaori said and shrugged again. Uehara raised an eyebrow.

"Your TA application? What's he got to do with that? Aizawa has never ever had a TA and he never wanted one..." Kawano questioned. Uehara's mouth fell open and her eyes widened. Kaori braced herself for the flood of questions that was about to be unleashed on her. She looked over at Takami who just had a relaxed smile on his lips. How he managed to be in the law enforcement course and be high half the time was also one of the many mysteries in Kaori Shinsou's life.

"Oh. My. God. Kao-chan! He did not, did he?" Uehara asked, ready to burst with excitement. Kaori sighed. It was probably better to get it over with now than any other time. She loved Uehara to death, but she could be a lot to handle.

"He might have." Kaori mumbled. Uehara let out a loud squeal. Some people from the surrounding tables turned their heads and Kaori sank further into her chair. Hopefully she wouldn't be shouting any more now.

"God, Uehara, would you calm down? You're killing my vibes." Takami complained, giving her an annoyed look. She glanced over at him, looking a little guilty.

"Right. Sorry."

She leaned over the table and stared at Kaori intently, probably trying to read her expression. Uehara would never give up until she knew everything and Kaori was well aware of that. She sighed.

"So... he made you his TA? You're the very first TA he's ever had? Spill!" she whispered in a high-pitched voice.

"He saw my application and said he'd like to take me on for next year. That's all. Nothing more and nothing less." Kaori said. She really didn't want to get into this topic. She had her reasons.

"Yeah, sure. Tell us all the juicy details of your secret affair, once you get to that point." Uehara answered with a grin on her face. Kaori rolled her eyes. Of course. A secret affair where her hot, young prof fucked her on his desk in an empty classroom. As if that actually happened in real life.

"Pretty sure that would be illegal, Uehara." Kawano protested. Kaori shook her head. Of course it wouldn't be illegal.

"It's not. I'm way over 18 and so is he. Legally there is nothing anyone can do. Which doesn't make it morally right." she corrected him. Maybe she had been spending some time daydreaming about her professor and that's how she got to that conclusion so quickly. Who knew, right?

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