94 - Kai Chisaki

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My mother, she told me

"Don't get in trouble"

Kai Chisaki was eyeing up the old abandoned industrial building. He hated it. He hated being here, he hated the filth and the dirt all around him. It drove him absolutely insane and not even the mask and the gloves would help. This place was filthy and probably crawling with germs.

"What an unsanitary dump. This is your base of operations?" he asked, looking at the guy who had been leading him here. What was his name again? He couldn't think of it. All he could see was that huge scar on his head.

"Sure! You think I'd bring you to our base right off the bat? This is just a rendezvous point." the man with the scar said. Chisaki looked around, his face grimacing in disgust. He shuddered.

"Gimme a break. This place is dusty as hell... I'm gonna catch something." he muttered. Scar guy chuckled.

"Relax... The guys inside are already pretty sick." he snickered. Chisaki looked at him uncomfortably. Was he serious or was he just being edgy? Well, backing out now would just look bad.

He stepped inside and looked around the room. There were four people sitting around on some old slabs. Someone who looked like a high school girl, leaning against a container; an older guy, very well dressed, sitting on the edge of said container; a trans woman sitting on top of a crate; and - leaning against the wall - who he assumed to be the League's leader, a young guy, scrawny-looking, messy blueish-white hair and a long dark coat around his shoulders.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" Chisaki muttered. That was the League? These guys had been wreaking havoc for the last few months? He couldn't believe it. This was ridiculous.

"What? This guy famous or something?" the woman sitting on the crate asked. Shigaraki, the head of the League, sighed.

"My master showed me his picture once. He's Yakuza. The young head of the Shie Hassaikai." Shigaraki explained. His voice sounded hoarse and had a bored tone to it. Chisaki didn't like him.

"Ooh, a gangster? I've never met one before... He's got an aura of danger about him!" the woman replied with a giggle and eyed him up again. The school girl looked up at the older man.

"What makes him so different from us?" she asked.

"My dear, young Toga... Let this old-timer explain it to you. Organized crime was a big thing, before Yagi came along and slowly exposed and dissipated the many underground organizations that had been around back in the day. There were a few who got away and had to lay low and life wasn't good in that line of business. Not at all. This guy is like a part of a protected species whose heyday has long passed." the older man explained. Chisaki sighed.

"Well, you're not wrong about all of that..." he replied, wiping his brow.

"So you were barely scraping by, mafia boy? Why come to us now? Shouldn't you be out celebrating Yagi's retirement?"

"Nah, it's not about Yagi. This is about the old Shigaraki. Used to rule the underworld like some emperor. This guy was like an urban legend to my generation. The old guard always used to gossip about how he up and died, but... then he showed up in the flesh and got locked up in Tartarus. So now Yagi's not there to lead people anymore and neither is the old Shigaraki. Question is... Who's gonna step up to lead?" Chisaki elaborated, glancing at the young Shigaraki.

"If you're saying this, knowing full well who my master is... Is this a challenge? The next leader is me." he just growled.

"I'm gathering forces and expanding our operation day by day. And I'm gonna use that power to annihilate this society." he added, giving Chisaki an angry glare. Chisaki just smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Got a plan?" he asked.

"A plan? Didn't you come here to join our little gang?" Shigaraki asked. Chisaki scoffed. How was this guy even leading one single person? He was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. He sighed.

"Having a goal without a plan just makes you a daydreamer, and daydreamers don't make for a good sales pitch. What happens once you've expanded? How're you gonna use these people? What's your management strategy for this organization?" he asked. It was a rhetorical question. He knew full well that none of these people had a plan or a strategy. It was ridiculous.

"Starting with the serial killer Stain, then the murderer Muscular, and death row inmate Moonfish... all were heavy hitters, operating under you, but they got beaten and caught . Almost like you didn't know how to use 'em, right?" Chisaki continued, looking around the room with a scoff.

"You can barely handle the ten or so wackos you've already got and you wanna recruit more? No point in amassing power you can't control. You need a solid plan to make your goals a reality. And I'm the man with the plan. So no... I didn't come here today, hoping to work for you." he finished with a grin. Well, no one could see that he was grinning due to the mask he was wearing. Shigaraki just turned to the guy with the scar and gave him a deadpan look.

"Bubaigawara, I'd appreciate it if you could vet applicants before bringing them here." he muttered. Chisaki shook his head. This guy didn't get it. Why did anyone let a brat like this lead anything?

"The plan I've got requires a ton of cash, but no one out there's crazy enough to fund some small-time Yakuza throwback. But if you guys and the name you've made for yourselves were involved, it'd be a different story. So join me. I'll become the next leader and put you to good use." he offered. The room was completely silent. You could hear a needle drop. Then Shigaraki stirred.

"Get out." was all he said. The trans woman got up, grabbing something that was lying behind her and slowly walked up to him.

"Sorry, mafia boy. But we didn't come together to serve anyone. I'm here, because I wanna live free. We get to decide where we belong!" she said and then started charging at him, swinging something that looked like a crowbar at him.

Chisaki ducked out of the way and pulled the gun that he had been hiding under his jacket. Without hesitation, he aimed at her head and pulled the trigger while she was still counteracting the momentum she had when swinging at him earlier. It only took one shot. One loud noise.

It was pretty nasty. The blood splatter was bad and the dull thump when her body dropped to the concrete floor made Chisaki feel sick. The worst of it was that some of the blood had gotten on him. Disgusting.

"Big Sis Mag?!" the high school girl shouted and looked at the corpse in absolute horror. Chisaki panted.

"Your side made the first move." was all he said, before looking down on himself. There was blood, there were brains, it was disgusting.

"Ugh, filthy! I hate this part..."

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