110 - Denki Kaminari

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Sorry I didn't kiss you

But it's obvious I wanted to

"Can't you practice in your own dorm room?" Hitoshi asked, as he was massaging his temples. Denki looked over at him with an apologetic smile and shook his head. He actually had a reason why he couldn't practice for the school festival in his own dorm room, but he also just wanted to be around Hitoshi.

"Sorry, Toshi. If I'm in my own room I won't get anything done." Denki replied. Hitoshi groaned loudly.

"Denki, I'm literally getting a migraine. I thought you liked me." he complained. Denki sighed and put down the guitar before sitting down on the bed next to Hitoshi. Sure, he had never had a migraine himself, but he was starting to realize that they might be much worse than what he imagined. And Hitoshi seemed to be getting them a lot, which usually meant he'd end up on some floor, pressing his head against any cold surface, while he was semi-conscious and not moving, just groaning quietly from time to time. There had been times when he had thrown up, too.

"Sorry, I didn't realize. Anything I can do to help?" he asked. Honestly, Denki wasn't sure if anything could be done with migraines or if they just needed to happen. Hitoshi was the first person to have migraines to this extent that he personally knew and actually spent a lot of time with.

"Not really. I took my pills, hopefully they'll make it somewhat better. I just... I need this room to be as dark as possible. And I need quiet. And sometimes a neck massage helps. But there's nothing else that can be done." Hitoshi said with a sigh. Denki nodded and turned off the lamp on Hitoshi's desk, before getting back to the bed, almost stumbling over his own feet in the dark.

"You wanna sit up?" Denki asked.


"So I can massage your neck, dumbass."

Hitoshi looked up at him in confusion and then slowly sat up without a word. Denki smiled and sat down behind him, starting to massage his shoulders gently, as Hitoshi leaned into his touch.

"Fuck, Denki, if you keep doing that every time I'm about to get a migraine, I'm literally going to marry you." he groaned, his eyes half-lidded. Denki chuckled a little. Hitoshi was literally the sweetest person in the world when he wanted to be. Once you got past his layers of edginess.

"Damn it, you figured out my end goal." he replied.

"If you were trying to hide that end goal from me, you were doing a really bad job at it. Anyone could have figured that out." Hitoshi said, his voice barely more than a whisper at this point.

"That is probably true..." Denki muttered and pressed a small kiss to the nape of Hitoshi's neck, which elicited a satisfied little hum from him. Denki moved up to massage Hitoshi's neck.

"Ooh, right there, fuck..." Hitoshi moaned, melting into Denki's touch. Denki grinned, delighted with getting such a reaction from Hitoshi. It had been tough work to crack this guy's shell and now he was finally reaping the rewards. Plus, Hitoshi Shinsou was a million times softer when he was having a migraine.

"There. Feel better?" Denki wanted to know, before softly running his hand through his purple hair.

"Yeah, a little. Thanks, Denki." Hitoshi mumbled and turned around, giving him one of his rare smiles, before his face twisted in pain. The movement didn't seem to help. Hitoshi sank back under the covers.

"Bad pain again?" Denki asked.

"Uh-huh..." Hitoshi groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. Denki leaned down to press a small kiss to his forehead.

"Poor thing. You should get some rest." Denki told him, brushing through his hair again, as gently as he could with how messy and knotted Hitoshi's hair was. Why the hell did he never brush it?

"I should..." Hitoshi mumbled.

"Want me to stay with you?" Denki asked. Hitoshi nodded slightly, so slightly that Denki almost didn't notice it.

"Only if you're being quiet..." Hitoshi mumbled. Denki grinned and kicked off his shoes, before slipping underneath the covers with him.

"I'll be as quiet as possible. Promise. Anything to make you feel better, Toshi." he said, as he wrapped his arms around the taller boy. Hitoshi just grunted, before getting comfortable in Denki's arms.

"As quiet as possible doesn't mean a lot when it comes to you..." he muttered, closing his eyes.

"I know, I know... hey, how are your preparations for the festival going? Did you find that blood you were looking for?" Denki wanted to know. He was aware that he had said he'd be quiet, but this question had been burning on his mind for ages now and he needed an answer. Right now.

"I managed to get fake blood. They told me I can't just use actual blood. Didn't you want to be quiet?" Hitoshi replied.

"Right, of course. Sorry. Come on, let's get some sleep." Denki said, pulling Hitoshi a little closer and closing his eyes, before drifting off to sleep immediately.

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