18 - Aizawa

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Hey, can you meet me tonight in detention?

Shouta Aizawa had to stay late today for any students that had gotten detention. He hoped to God that there were none. These people should all be adults and should know how to behave themselves. Why they even had anything like a detention period was beyond Aizawa.

Maybe it was a planned thing to give teachers some free minutes once in a while where they could sit down in a quiet room and do their work without being disturbed by something all the time. Aizawa enjoyed watching over the students in detention because there were rarely any of them.

And today he had a lot of work to do, as it was. He had gotten his bandages taken off after the Sports Festival and now was the first day of school after and the first years were supposed to go on internships. There were a lot of things to sort through for that. And he still had Hitoshi Shinsou's file.

He was trying to figure out how he had managed to screw up the entrance exam so badly that he hadn't been able to get into Criminology. Of course, his scores for the physical assessment weren't great at all, but his entrance exam was almost immaculate. The whole system really wasn't fair for the more brainy people.

With a sigh Aizawa tried focussing on the list with his first-year students. Being a course coordinator sounded cool and fun until he tried it. Now he was stuck with the job and a new class every couple of years. He read over the names on the list and who had already decided on an internship... Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou... why did he have to sort out all this stuff for them?

His eyes wandered over to the other paper. Hitoshi Shinsou's file. He was doing exceptionally well. In his student ID photo he had the same tired eyes as Kaori Shinsou. It was very obvious that they were siblings. Looking over the file, Aizawa was aware of what Hitoshi was trying to do. He was trying to get into that course that combined Criminology with basic training.

He definitely had the brains, that much was clear. He'd have to exercise more, get more training. He did really well in the Sports Festival, though. Maybe he could offer... no. It wasn't his business, why should he be wasting time on it? He was busy enough as it was already.

He looked back at the list of his other students. The letters seemed to blur in front of his eyes. He just couldn't focus, no matter how hard he tried. And he knew when he got home there were more papers waiting for him, papers on Stain and papers on that arson the other night and he'd have to get them done and then collapse with exhaustion at some point between 2 am and 5 am.

That's when he heard a knock on the door. This wasn't true, was it? Who the hell was dumb enough to earn themselves detention? All the students were at least 18 years old, why would anyone do anything outrageous enough to earn themselves detention? Aizawa took a deep breath.

"Come in." he said. The door opened slowly and a familiar figure waltzed into the otherwise empty classroom. Messy bun of dark hair, tired eyes, lithe but feminine figure and a bunch of papers and notebooks in her arms.

"Shinsou? What the hell are you doing in detention?" Aizawa asked her. He really had expected better of her.

"Fell dead asleep in Ishiyama's class. I tried to explain, but he was having none of it." Shinsou said, sounding tired and exhausted and even a little ashamed about being in detention.

Thinking about it Ishiyama had been in a foul mood all day. Who knew why that was. Sometimes he just had... a certain moodiness about him. Of course Shinsou shouldn't be falling asleep in class, but... he could easily understand how tired she had to be. She basically collapsed the other day and Aizawa couldn't imagine that she had gotten much sleep since.

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