83 - Aizawa

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I feel my loss every night

This whole seeing each other on the weekends only business was difficult. Not because they had so little chance to talk to each other, but mostly because they were around each other way too much every single day and had to pretend like nothing was going on, just so they wouldn't be suspected of anything.

It was torture to see Kaori every single day and have her right there in front of him, knowing what she looked like underneath all those clothes, the cute little noises she made... and not being able to do anything about it for the next couple of days. If they hadn't been seeing each other this much, it would probably have been easier for Aizawa. At least that's what he thought.

What also didn't make things easier was how they were on a bus full of first year students who were all on the way to their licensing exam and how Kaori had straight up fallen asleep, stretched out over his lap. For someone who couldn't sleep at night, she sure fell asleep quickly on the bus.

It wasn't really her fault that they were in this somewhat compromising position. They had both fallen asleep as soon as they sat down, despite the abhorrent noise level around them. Aizawa had woken up earlier with her still fast asleep, one of her hands on his knee, the other flat on his thigh and her head resting on it.

It wasn't long now until they'd arrive at the examination site and the students around them were waking up. Thankfully they were all sitting behind them, so chances of anyone seeing them like this were pretty low, but they were never zero. And the raging boner Aizawa was having, didn't help. Thank God for waistbands.

Aizawa looked around, noticing that a good few of the students had started waking up already. It was a weird thing that students on a bus would almost always wake up a few minutes before they'd arrive, even if they had never been to that exact location before. Aizawa was the same, but apparently Kaori was just sleeping like a stone. He needed her to move, he really did.

"Shinsou?" he whispered quietly. All he got from her was a tired groan, a little movement, and nothing much changed. He noticed someone leaning over the back of his seat and looking down at them.

"Oh my God, she's out cold, huh?" Kaminari asked with a big grin on his face. Aizawa felt a stone fall off his heart. Thank God, it was just Kaminari. He probably wouldn't even think twice about this.

"So it seems." Aizawa answered with a sigh. Kaminari just chuckled and shook his head with a grin.

"Aw man, this girl has no shame, when it comes to where she's falling asleep. Just like her brother, honestly." he said.

"Shinsou." Aizawa tried again, a little louder this time, but there was no reaction. Kaminari shook his head.

"No, no, no. It's not going to work like that. Watch and learn." Kaminari said with a grin and took a deep breath. Aizawa wanted to tell him to knock it off and not do anything stupid, but he was also somewhat curious.

"VIBE CHECK!" he yelled all of a sudden, waking people a good few rows back. He had stopped his hand just above Kaori's face, and Aizawa was just about to give out to him when Kaori herself woke up with a start and quickly sat up, smacking her face straight into Kaminari's hand.

"Ah, fuck! Kaminari! You little shithead, I swear to God!" she shouted without even opening her eyes. Aizawa was wondering just how much time Kaminari had been spending with Hitoshi and Kaori.

"What the actual hell, Kaminari?" Aizawa asked, his voice sounding more indifferent than he actually felt. Kaminari just snickered, as Kaori grimaced. Before Aizawa could stop her, she got up, turning around and climbed up on her seat, one knee on her seat and one between his legs.

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