102 - Aizawa

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The hallways, they echoed and groaned

Aizawa Shouta was fully aware that no one had been expecting the Shie Hassaikai to actually be prepared for this raid. Or that they were going to fight back. It just wasn't something anyone had really thought of, but here they were, trying to get through hordes and hordes of Hassaikai gang members that weren't even big game. Just the sheer numbers were overwhelming.

"Hey, what's the big idea here?!" two guys shouted at a police officer they were cornering. He seemed terrified.

"Like we said, this is a raid!" the officer replied and Aizawa wanted to facepalm, but he was kind of busy.

"Stand down!"

"Clear the way! If you needlessly fight back, you'll regret it!"

"The gang's out in full force just buying time! Seems kinda self-destructive..."

Aizawa looked up when he heard the sound of a door being broken down. He quickly looked around until he saw her. Kaori was elbowing a gang member in the head, when he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. They couldn't waste their time on small fry like that.

"Excuse us, we're in a hurry here! Sorry for not taking off our shoes!" Toyomitsu happily shouted in his Kansai dialect. Aizawa rolled his eyes and dragged Kaori along with her until they were both inside the house, running down a long hallway. There wasn't really much of an indication where to go, but they knew they'd have to somehow get underground. There was a basement level.

"Don't you think this feels kinda suspicious...?" Toyomitsu asked the rest of the group. There was general agreement.

"Something about all this doesn't feel right. But we have no choice... just gotta push on!" someone else replied.

"Maybe we had a leak? But it seemed like everyone was pretty trustworthy..." Tamaki suggested.

"A leak? Nah. They'd be doing a better job of dealing with us. Besides, it's common knowledge that the mob tends to act with a real sense of unity." the leading officer said to them. Aizawa nodded, as his brain did the thing it always did - gathering up any kind of knowledge he had on the topic. Anything he ever learnt about how mobs and gangs and mafia structures worked started flooding his brain. And it was really fucking distracting. There was only one way to get it to stop...

"The underlings exchange sake cups and pledge loyalty to the bosses. Even with their fall from grace, these gangs have always emphasized loyalty above all else." he muttered. Dumping some random information on the people around him usually helped him get his head clear again.

"Chapter nine in the textbook." he heard Kaori mumble beside him, which made him grin. She remembered the chapter that was in? What a fucking nerd. How did she manage to amaze him like this even in this situation?

"All this pushback and the fact that we haven't even seen Chisaki and his officers yet means they're probably using these distractions to cut and run." Toyomitsu said, glancing back at his two work studies.

"Loyalty? That's a bunch of crap! Leaving the rough stuff to your followers while making a getaway ain't manly at all!" Kirishima shouted. He sounded really annoyed about how... members of a branch of the mafia... didn't have strong morals...? Aizawa shook his head and sighed.

"No doubt!" Toyomitsu agreed with him, just before Sasaki announced that he had found something. He was furthest ahead and had just turned a corner. When they got there, there was... nothing. Well, not nothing, but it was a flower vase and some calligraphy. Nothing else.

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