60 - Shinsou

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Chasing visions of our futures

"I know that I'm hungry as fuck, but I have no idea if I can keep any of this down right now." Mina said, looking at her rice with a certain disgust. Kaori Shinsou knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Same. Maybe we need to smoke more of that good green stuff or something. Always helps me when I'm feeling sick." Kaori replied. That was more or less a lie, because she had never smoked it when she was feeling sick before. But she knew it often helped people with nausea and besides it might make Mina feel more like eating something. She looked over to Kaminari.

He seemed to be able to keep the food down, no problem. He was eating as much as he was eating the very first day when they arrived, but he also looked extremely starved and sleep-deprived. Kaori wouldn't be surprised if he fell straight into bed after dinner and slept until the remedial classes would start.

"Man, I don't know how I'm going to survive the night." Mina whined and lazily rubbed her eyes.

"Well, you can always get some sleep before remedial lessons." Kaori suggested and poked at her food. She knew she needed to eat, but she felt like any bite would make her throw up violently as soon as she swallowed it. Maybe she should have waited with dinner for a little while after training.

"No, I can't. We're having some extra training and then there's gonna be this competition against the other basic training course. I totally wanna be there when we win." Mina squealed.

"Oh. Well, that's too bad, because I'm gonna be taking a long, relaxing nap once I manage to get some food inside my stomach." Kaori replied with a big grin on her face. Mina looked a little jealous when she said that, but she convinced herself that the competition would be much more fun than a nap. Even though she really, really could use a nap right about now. It would definitely hit the spot.

"What do you mean we're going to win? I'm going to win, because you're all just extras." someone muttered a few seats further away. Mina and Kaori looked over and saw Bakugou mumbling into his bowl of rice.

"Hey, chill out, Bakugou. Let people have their fun." Kirishima said to him with a nervous laugh. For some reason Kirishima was the only one the angry blond listened to. Some of the time.

"Stop telling me to chill, shitty hair!" Bakugou exploded. Kaori raised an eyebrow and gave Mina a questioning look.

"Don't ask. He's all bark and no bite. Kirishima is the only one he ever listens to. It's weird. And for some reason Kirishima's crushing on him like mad." Mina made an attempt at explaining.

"Hey, Kiri, get your boyfriend a muzzle already!" Kaminari shouted and laughed. He high-fived Sero as they kept on giggling. Mina just shook her head and sighed. Kaori watched the chaos unfold with growing curiosity.

"Mina, what exactly is about to happen?" she whispered to her.

"See, the thing is you can never be sure with Bakugou. He has his moments sometimes, but most of the time he just explodes." she answered, as they watched Bakugou grabbing Kaminari by the collar of his shirt.

"The fuck did you just say about me, dunceface? Huh?!" he growled as he was shaking him vigorously.

"Damn, Kirishima's taste in boys is weird..." Kaori mumbled. She meant to say it in her head, but apparently it was louder than she had intended it to be, because suddenly all eyes were on her.

Bakugou looked both angry and confused at the same time, but he definitely wasn't letting go of Kaminari. Kirishima was blushing furiously. Kaminari looked absolutely terrified, while Sero seemed to be incapable of stopping to giggle. Mina just gave her the most shocked look.

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