90 - Aizawa

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Let's go out with a bang

Shouta Aizawa couldn't believe that he was getting interrupted like that in the middle of the night. But what was worse that the cause for this interruption were these two insolent, little brats. It wasn't enough that one of them had failed the provisional licensing exam (which Kan would definitely rub in his face soon enough), but now they had to be fighting on school grounds when he could have been in the privacy of his dorm room with Kaori and... wrong train of thought. Too distracting.

Aizawa grabbed his keys and made his way out of his dorm room and out of the dorm building, after he had put on some shoes. This was so annoying. Why did he have to be responsible for them? He scratched the back of his neck.

It was surprisingly cold for this time of the year, when he stepped outside to make his way over to the training grounds. Maybe he should have taken a jacket or something. Well, there was no time for that now. If these two idiots got hurt, it would be his responsibility as their course coordinator.

"Hey, Aizawa." he suddenly heard a meek voice from the side of the building. Aizawa blinked and rubbed his eyes.

"What the...?" he muttered and turned around. Had he just been hallucinating or...? No. No, he hadn't. Quickly approaching the building was Toshinori Yagi. Out of all people. Why was he here?

"Up so late?" Yagi asked with a warm smile. Aizawa just hummed in agreement. If Yagi was here he probably knew exactly what was going on. Why was he even asking, if he already knew?

"It's Midoriya and Bakugou again... They're fighting at the training grounds..." Aizawa muttered. God, he was way too tired to deal with this. And Yagi on top of that wasn't helping at all.

"Indeed they are." Yagi commented. Aizawa shot him a glare. Why exactly was Yagi keeping him here when he already knew what was going on? Why was he wasting his time like that? In the middle of the night?

"But, see... these two have been on my mind, since before school started, so... would you mind letting me handle this?" Yagi then asked. Aizawa blinked in surprise. Was... was he offering to head all the way to the training grounds and yell at them and bring them back, so he could yell at them some more?

"Knock yourself out." Aizawa replied. If Yagi wanted to do his work for him, who was he to say no? He'd get involved and start meddling anyway, so maybe it was actually better this way.

"Thanks, Aizawa. I owe you one." Yagi said, as he jogged off towards the training grounds. Aizawa was left in front of the teacher's dorm, unsure what had just happened and how he should proceed. Why was Yagi thanking him? He should be the one saying thanks, because he really wasn't in the mood to head out all the way to the training grounds in the middle of the night.

With an exhausted sigh he turned around and went back inside. He'd just sit down in the common area and wait for them to get back or whatever. At least it was warm inside. He checked his phone for the time. 3 am. Damn it. He probably wouldn't get any sleep at all tonight.

There was also a message from Kaori. He opened it with his eyebrow raised, wondering what she could possibly want. He felt pretty bad that he wasn't able to return the favour from earlier... and he probably wouldn't be able for a while, because he could see himself being asked to stay on campus for the next few weeks, all thanks to Midoriya and Bakugou. Those damned idiots.

>>Call me when you have a second. Important.<<

That was all the text said. Aizawa groaned, wondering whether he should just ignore it. The way the text sounded could only mean bad news and he wasn't sure if he really wanted to hear more bad news right now. He kept staring at his phone for about a minute, before sighing and calling her.

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