109 - Shinsou

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Show me secret sins

Kaori was quite happy that it was finally the weekend and that it was one of the weekends when she was working at the same time as Shouta again. She felt like it had been such a long time since that had happened, but now they could finally spend time together again. And goddamn, did she need it.

She had missed spending time with Shouta so much, especially now that she couldn't do a whole lot without messing up her leg. Granted, it was more than she could do before, but it still wasn't all she would have liked to do. She couldn't even keep up with her workouts or anything.

All she could do was take walks like some old lady and do her stretches. And even with the stretches she needed help sometimes. It was usually Uehara and Hitoshi that helped her out, but when she was staying with Shouta, he was helping her stretch and she honestly preferred him to anyone else.

Her first day back at work felt amazing and depressing at the same time. It felt great to be back at her old job, to see everyone again, even though she was limping through the hallways. Everyone still treated her the same as before and Kaori truly appreciated that. Maybe she had cried over that in the bathroom during her lunch break. Maybe she hadn't. No one would ever know.

But the other thing was that she couldn't even do anything except sit at her desk. She saw her colleagues getting called out, even Shouta was called out during the night shift to inspect a crime scene, but she just had to wait in the office, writing stupid reports and watching documentaries on YouTube once she was done. It honestly sucked. She hated not being able to do anything else. She would truly much rather do crime scene clean-up than being stuck in the office all night.

But this was the way it was, at least for now. She just had to stick to the doctor's advice and not engage in too much physical activity and do her stretches and eat healthily and she'd be as good as new and probably even better than before. But not too much physical activity was easier said than done, especially when she was around Shouta and they were in his apartment.

The whole thing about their relationship being a secret just led to them having sex whenever they got the chance. They never knew when they might have an opportunity again where there was a 99,9% chance of not being found out. Kaori noticed it was putting a bit of a strain on her leg, but it also just was too good to say anything about that. She wasn't going to ruin the mood.

Not when Shouta was fucking her slowly and gently like he did right now. It had all only started by doing stretches, which obviously meant that they had to be together really closely. There was a reason why Kaori preferred stretching with Shouta over anyone else, after all. One thing led to the other and they had ended up here - in his bedroom, naked, a pillow propped below her back and her legs up in the air, while Shouta was holding her close and thrusting inside her slowly and gently.

It was driving Kaori crazy. They had been at this for a good while now and Kaori was so, so close, but somehow Shouta was keeping her just on the edge - close enough to want nothing else but to cum but not close enough to actually cum. She could feel her sanity slipping.

"Shouta... please..." she moaned, but her pleas were only met with an amused smirk and a kiss on her forehead.

"Patience, baby girl. It'll all be worth it in the end..." he whispered in her ear and gently bit down on her earlobe. Kaori whimpered and tried to move up against him herself, but his hands were holding her down with an iron grip. Fuck, why was he so damn strong? She just needed to cum, she was getting exhausted, completely worn out by being this close all the damn time.

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