112 - Hizashi Yamada

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He watched his life come undone

Hizashi Yamada was happy. It wasn't difficult to make him happy, but today he was especially happy, which was mostly because his friends were all having a seemingly good time. Especially Shouta.

He had been much happier ever since he was seeing that Shinsou girl on a regular basis, but right now, it was mostly about that little girl they had rescued at the raid. The one that was supposed to move into the teacher's dorm. Eri. Pretty much everyone had been obsessed with her and for good reason. She was the cutest thing he had ever seen and apparently they had managed to get her to smile for the very first time and Hizashi had never seen Shouta this happy.

Hizashi wasn't exactly sure what it was about all those things that made him so happy, but if he could in any way help it, he would. Now that the school festival was coming to an end, it was clear that there was just a little drop in Shouta's mood, as he approached Hizashi, followed by Togata and Eri.

"Hizashi." was all he said, grumpy look on his face, as usual, but not quite as bad. Which was surprising considering he was going to have to go back all the way to the hospital to drop Eri off and then back to his place in Naruhata for work, while everyone else was enjoying a day off university.

"Hey, what's up, Shou?" Hizashi replied with a big grin on his face, that only made Shouta's frown grow.

"Can you see if you can find Shinsou and tell her to get to the parking lot as soon as possible? She'd got work this evening and I told her I'd give her a lift." Shouta muttered, which only made Hizashi grin more. So that's why he wasn't too upset then? He'd have Shinsou staying over for the weekend?

"Sure thing, Shou. I'll see if I can find her. I thought you'd have a better idea of where she might be than me, though." he answered. Shouta just gave him the most deadpan look he had ever seen.


"Alright, alright, I'll see if I can find her. I think I remember her getting coffee earlier or something." Hizashi replied.

"Thanks." Shouta just said with a nod, before making his way over to the car. Hizashi was pretty surprised that he was taking his own car this time. He usually hated driving and tried to avoid it as much as possible, but it was probably not very feasible to get a taxi to Naruhata all the time.

Hizashi sighed. Time to find Kaori Shinsou. If Shouta was that impatient he had to have something planned for her and Hizashi couldn't stop thinking about what that might be. A cute dinner, maybe? Was he taking her out to the cinema? No, no way. That was all too public, he'd never take that kind of risk. Maybe they had something important to do at work? Like, actual work?

Hizashi knew that they wouldn't start their shift until late, unless they had meetings. Or rather, he had gathered that from the few details he managed to get out of Shouta under the threat of telling everyone about his little fling. If he could still call it a little fling, after all this thing seemed more serious than anyone would have ever anticipated. Hizashi never picked Shouta for the type to actually get with one of his students, but here he was, proven wrong once again.

"Mr. Yamada!" he suddenly heard someone calling after him. Hizashi turned around and - to his surprise - saw Kaori Shinsou quickly approaching him in a tight-fitting red dress. Damn, Shouta did have taste.

"Oh, hey Shinsou. What's up?" he asked.

"Have you seen Shou- uhm... Professor Aizawa, Sir?" she replied. Hizashi grinned a little and nodded.

"It's okay, Shinsou, I know. He's been looking for you. Told me to find you and tell you to meet him in the parking lot." Hizashi said to her. Shinsou blushed all shades of red and looked like she had just gone into shock.

"U-uhm, t-thank you, Sir, I..." she answered, scratching the back of her neck and laughed nervously.

"Relax, Shinsou, I'm not judging. You do you. Shouta's my best friend, there is no way I'd snitch on him. It's all good." he told her with a big grin. She nodded quickly and gulped audibly.

"Right... Right. Sorry, Sir, this was super weird. I, uh... better get going then. Bye!" she muttered and turned around quickly to head off towards the parking lot. Hizashi sighed and shook his head.

"See you around, Shinsou." he replied. This girl was just as bad as Shouta. Honestly, he didn't know how they managed to pull this thing off so easily with how paranoid they both were.

Hizashi opened his eyes again and saw Shinsou walking away, a little slower now, still limping a tiny bit on the leg she had gotten shot in. (Hizashi remembered that very well, since he practically had to force Shouta to at least eat something while he was at the hospital.)

He knew he had made fun of Shouta for his taste a lot, but looking at Shinsou right now... Damn. He knew what he was doing, that much was clear. He'd have to apologize for ever doubting his taste in the first place. Later. When all this mess from the festival was cleared up.

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