53 - Shinsou

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Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered

Kaori Shinsou felt like a steam train had hit her when she woke up at 5 in the morning. She rolled out of her bed, grabbed her training clothes and made her way to the bathroom. She definitely had no time to take a shower now and it would kind of defeat the point, if she was going to train all day anyway.

On her way out, she grabbed a towel and her toothbrush, along with some training clothes she had brought. If she was to drop dead now, the universe would be doing her a favour. Her lungs were still hurting and she needed some food and coffee. Preferably something with egg. Maybe they'd have some rice bowls ready and other things she could just add to it. That would be amazing.

But right now she had to somehow manage to get herself into a halfway presentable state. Her brain still felt somewhat slow, which was probably a mix of smoking weed and sleeping little and almost drowning all in the same night. Surely that couldn't be healthy for any brain, could it?

"Man, you look like death." Kaori heard someone say, seconds after she had left her room. She was in a good mind to just turn around, get back into her room and try to sleep for the rest of the day. When she turned around she saw Natsuo Todoroki standing there, a towel around his neck, looking fresh and well-rested. Her and Natsuo were not the same person. Not even close.

"Sounds like I look better than I feel." she mumbled.

"How late did you go to bed last night? I heard some noise last night, seemed to be pretty late, but I was only half-awake and fell asleep again right after." he said. Kaori really wasn't in the mood for any sort of conversation, especially since she had to get ready quickly, if she still wanted some breakfast.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night, so I went to the hot springs for a little while. I gotta hurry to get cleaned up and get some breakfast, though, so I'll talk to you later." she said and was on her way to the bathrooms.

"Hey, what? We only start at 7, how much are you planning to eat?" Natsuo asked. Kaori turned around, giving him an incredulous look.

"Your course only starts at 7? What the hell? Aizawa's got his class on a hellish training plan. And by extension me. I gotta be outside in like 25 minutes, so I really gotta run, because I literally just fell out of bed." she replied. Natsuo walked up to her, so she could make her way to the bathrooms.

"Seriously? Man, that's rough. Is he always like that?" Natsuo wanted to know. Kaori shrugged.

"Kind of. He always had strict lesson plans and training plans. I am not sure how he is with the basic training courses, I've only had him in Criminology before. I think he's really trying to push it with this course, because they have been targeted before." Kaori answered and opened the door to the girls' bathrooms.

"Well, looks like this is your stop. Good luck with your insane schedule. I guess, you'll need it." Natsuo joked.

"At this rate, I'll definitely need it, if I'm going to survive this for an entire week. See you around, dude." she said and disappeared behind the door to the bathroom. Natsuo seemed like a nice guy, but right now she had zero energy for him.

In the bathroom were two girls from Aizawa's course. One of them was Mina and she looked just as tired as Kaori felt. The other one was a girl that Kaori had seen around sometimes. She had black hair, in an asymmetric cut. She had a certain edgy teen aesthetic about her. Kaori believed her name was Jirou or something along the lines of that. Maybe she should get a list from Aizawa at some point.

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