46 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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How deeply are you sleeping

Or are you still awake?

Hitoshi was rolled up in his futon, wide awake. He was looking out of his window. It had started raining around the time it got dark and Hitoshi had actually managed to fall asleep for a few hours, but now he was awake again, watching the raindrops roll down the window. It was relaxing.

He might have been able to fall asleep again, if it hadn't been for him worrying so much. Of course he had heard some bits and pieces about the big meeting about the League that Kaori had gone to. Of course he knew that it had been quiet around them for a good while now.

He wasn't dumb. He knew that the summer camp was still happening and that the League had targeted the first year basic training course in the past. He knew that this summer camp was a very likely target for them. No one had said it outright, but he could make the connection.

And three people he actually cared about would be at that camp. And that made him worry. There was Mr. Aizawa, who had actually taken the time to help him train and prepare to get into the course he wanted to get into. There was Kaminari who had never given up trying to become friends with him, even though he was being a complete dick at the best of times. And then there was his sister Kaori, who was his very best friend since they were kids. If anything happened to any of them, Hitoshi had no idea what he'd do. (He'd probably do nothing, but he liked to think he would sink into deep despair and hopelessness. It was just more romantic than reality.)

And then he was worried about the usual things - would he manage to make it into the course? His grades in the end of term exams had been great, but he was still doubting himself. After all it wasn't the easiest thing to do - transferring after the first year of studies in another course.

Did Kaminari actually like him or was he just the kind of person that likes everyone and was overly clingy with everyone? Was he even into guys? Hitoshi had seen him look after girls, but then again what if Kaminari was bi? Would it be weird to bring it up to him? And should he have invited him over before the summer camp?

Shinsou turned around onto his stomach. He had his chin propped up on the pillow and looked out of his window. The rain was falling loudly against the window. The lights from the city below made them glitter in the dark. Hitoshi had always liked to imagine that he was camping out in some abandoned house when it was raining. That he was all alone, after some terrible apocalypse and he was wandering the remains of the city, searching for some other people who had survived.

He wished he had a cup of tea with him. Not coffee for once, but a nice warm cup of tea. Hitoshi lived on coffee, but sometimes a cup of tea just served as some sort of comfort. The one thing that stopped him was how cozy he was in his futon and how he didn't want to ruin this whole magical rainy day atmosphere by getting up and turning on the lights for a cup of tea.

Hitoshi looked down at his phone. It was 2 am and Kaori still hadn't come home. She had said that she was going to Tartarus in the morning and she had texted him when her and Aizawa had gotten out again, but since then he hadn't heard from her and he definitely hadn't heard her coming home.

Where the hell was she? He sure as hell hoped she didn't get into some sort of trouble. She was supposed to be home packing for the summer camp right now. Hitoshi knew that Kaori wasn't the kind of person that would get in trouble, but things had been crazy lately and he was just worried.

Just as he was debating calling her again, he heard the keys in the door and the door quietly opening. Hitoshi listened to the steps. They were quiet and they definitely sounded like Kaori's footsteps. Where the hell had she been all this time? He heard a silent meow at his door.

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