89 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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Someone said they left together

Hitoshi Shinsou really hadn't planned on seeing this. He had been told by some guy who worked on campus to get Aizawa, because two of his students were apparently beating the shit out of each other. So he had put on a sweater and shoes and made his way over in his pyjamas.

He was literally the only person out and about at that time of the night and he really hoped he wouldn't get caught sneaking out of the dorm like that, because he was pretty sure that no one would buy his excuse. Even though he wouldn't be lying, it just seemed like a somewhat weird thing to say.

Why couldn't that guy from staff just go and get Aizawa? Why did he make the extra effort to go and get him to tell him to go and get Aizawa? While Hitoshi was thinking about all this, he stumbled upon the scene of the crime. He had no clue he'd be passing Aizawa's window on the way there. And he also had no clue that Aizawa would still be up. And he also didn't know that his sister was in his dorm room for whatever reason. So he naturally looked into the brightly lit window.

And there was Aizawa with Kaori. He was pulling her into a tight hug and kissed her forehead. Hitoshi was a little too sleep-deprived to catch onto what was going on, but then he just kissed her on the lips. Shouta Aizawa. And his sister. Kaori Shinsou. And he kissed her. On the lips.

Hitoshi quickly turned away, because he knew he wasn't supposed to see this, but he also couldn't unsee it and... what the hell? She had said there was nothing going on, she had promised him not to do anything dumb! How long had this been going on? Why was she even in his dorm room?

It was only then that he remembered he was here on a mission. Right. The two kids fighting. He needed to let Aizawa know, so he could do something about it. And so he could get his hands off Kaori. Was this why she barely came home on the weekends, but was always gone on work or meeting friends or whatever? Of course they had been talking about how she thought that Aizawa was hot and all, but Hitoshi never thought she'd actually go for him. Like, in real life.

He quickly entered the dorm and took a deep breath, before knocking on the door. This was it. How was he ever going to talk to him again like a normal person, when he knew... when he knew that there was something going on between him and his sister. Why did he have to stumble into this? He would have been happier never knowing. And now he would have to somehow approach this thing with his sister and...

"Hitoshi?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah... hi. Uhm... Two of your students are apparently out on one of the training grounds fighting. I was... told to tell you." he quickly replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh, hey Toshi! What are you doing here?" he heard Kaori's voice, as her head popped up behind Aizawa. She was grinning at him, as if nothing ever happened in this room and Hitoshi was almost starting to doubt his memory. But... he had seen them kissing. Maybe his mind was playing a trick on him?

"What are you doing here?" he blurted out, raising an eyebrow at her. Kaori held up a bunch of notes.

"Lesson planning. I'm supposed to give a lecture soon, apparently, so Mr. Aizawa helped me with that." she answered. Hitoshi looked back to Aizawa who looked incredibly annoyed at what he had said earlier.

"You know which students and which training ground?" he asked. Hitoshi quickly pushed his musings to the back of his head for now and tried to remember what he had been told. Was it training ground Beta...?

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