43 - Shinsou

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I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

The conference room looked modern and cold. The walls were white with no windows and the lights in the room were cold. There were a lot of black office chairs placed around a greyish-white table shaped like an oval. Kaori Shinsou felt like the room was supposed to make everyone feel depressed and miserable.

Kaori was sat next to Mr. Aizawa, a pencil stuck in her hair and a small notebook on the table in front of her. She had placed her coffee cup in front of her, but it was already half empty and somehow she was pretty sure that getting up for a new cup of coffee before a break was called wouldn't fly.

"So, it seems their leader goes by the name of Tomura Shigaraki. We honestly didn't find much on him at all. There are no records under that name, so we really don't have anything to go by. All we know so far is that they likely got onto the Rescue Training Facility with stolen badges. The theory is that they managed to get onto the U.A. campus with the reporters earlier that week. There they got files on the volunteers that were supposed to help out with the training that day. All of those volunteers were reported missing the very same day. We haven't found all of them yet, but the ones that we found were dead or severely injured." Kenji Tsuragamae said.

There were whispers all around the room. Kaori was shocked herself, because she hadn't heard of that. At all. Of course it made sense, how else would no one realize that their badges were stolen on the actual day. She looked over at Aizawa who seemed somewhat unfazed by this.

"Did you know about that?" she whispered to him.

"I heard about it, but only because they questioned me about it." he replied. Kaori nodded. Maybe they had told her, as well, when they questioned her, but she couldn't remember it. There were a few things she couldn't remember around that time, but Kaori simply blamed her concussion.

"Ahem... we are going to have a discussion later, everyone." Tsuragamae said, after clearing his throat. The room fell silent.

"During the attack, Shigaraki was accompanied by a lot of small time criminals - most of which are currently under arrest - that would be committing petty crime. Only some of them had committed serious and violent crimes in the past. There were very few members of the League that escaped us and those were Shigaraki himself and someone known as 'Kurogiri' which seems to be an alias of sorts. We have no information on Kurogiri either. It's like neither of them existed." Tsuragamae continued and then looked around the room. Kaori glanced at the rest of the people in the meeting. There were a few that put their hands up to ask a question.

"Yes, Tatsuma?"

"Do we know anything about the motive? Were they targeting anyone? Did they have some sort of plan?" a woman with short, blonde hair asked. There were a few people here that Kaori had seen before, but she wasn't one of them.

"Good question. So far there seems to be no message behind their activity. That's what makes it difficult to pinpoint them. The only thing we know is that they seemed to be targeting Toshinori Yagi. They didn't name a specific reason for that, except that he has made life very difficult for criminals all over the country. Aizawa, you have looked at some of this information yourself. Was there anything you found?" Tsuragamae asked. Suddenly all eyes were on Aizawa and in extension on Kaori. She shifted in her chair, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"There is not much to go by. The two key points from the attack on U.A. would be that Shigaraki himself seems to be very young. His mindset is likely childish and immature and he seems to get angry and upset easily if things don't go his way. There might also be evidence that he is being guided or manipulated by someone else." Aizawa answered plainly.

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