7 - Shinsou

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You thought you could go free

But the system is done for

Kaori Shinsou was leaning against the wall next to Aizawa, while the students were getting into their groups. She noticed that Aizawa seemed on edge since this morning. He was nervously looking around the facility now as well. Kaori wasn't the nervous type, but Aizawa behaving this paranoid - it wasn't good.

"Is... everything alright, prof?" she asked him quietly, making sure none of the younger students overheard.

"I don't know... I just have a bad feeling. A really bad feeling. Hey, what's going on over there...?"

Kaori turned in the direction he was nodding at. A few of the volunteers had gathered together in the center of the facility. There were more and more coming together. Kaori had no idea what the hell this was, but she started to get an idea for why Aizawa was being so nervous.

"Shit, I think I've seen this one guy on the news. They were looking for him in connection with manslaughter. And I think there's a girl that's wanted for arson." Kaori said, still not quite able to process why they were showing up here. Shouldn't they be on the run from the authorities instead of showing up on their doorsteps? Whatever this was, it wasn't good. Maybe she was wrong...

She heard Aizawa swearing under his breath. He quickly walked over to the students, casting nervous glances at the criminals gathering in the center of the facility. He seemed extremely concerned and that made Kaori feel more scared than she had ever felt before. Aizawa wasn't someone who got scared easily.

"Stay together and don't move!" he said to the students, just as a loud gunshot cut through the air. Kaori held her breath and quickly looked down on herself, just to make sure beyond all doubt she wasn't hit.

"Everyone get down! Anakuro, protect the students! Shinsou, you get down as well and stay here!" Aizawa shouted. Kaori felt like she was frozen in place. She had to make an active effort to be able to get her legs moving and get down on the ground with the rest of the students.

"What is happening?" one boy with bright red hair next to her asked. He seemed confused and anxious, while Kaori still hadn't quite realized what was going on. There were a bunch of criminals that had somehow managed to get into the facility. There was at least one gun. They were not afraid to get out in the open with this, which meant they were probably quite sure of what they were doing.

"Did the training start already? I thought this was about rescue." the same boy with the red hair wanted to know.

"That was the plan. I have no idea what's happening, but I don't think this was planned." Kaori said to him. He had a look on his face as if he was just now starting to realize that something was going wrong. He got up on his elbows, probably to catch a glimpse of whatever was unfolding in front of them.

"Stay down!" Aizawa barked at them. Kaori startled. This was getting scary. Really scary. And she had seen her share of disgusting stuff and read about all kinds of grisly murders and bad hostage situations, but this... this was different.

"This is real. Those are criminals and we have no idea how they got in here." he explained and quickly ran off into one of the side rooms. The students started whispering nervously among themselves, while Kaori tried to get her thoughts in order. They hadn't fired anymore shots, except that one warning shot earlier. That meant they probably didn't have too many guns on them and wanted to use that first shot for intimidation. Which in turn meant, they weren't too well organized, if they couldn't get their hands on a lot of weapons. A few guns wasn't a proper arsenal for this kind of operation.

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