52 - Aizawa

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With the black that lays beneath the sky

Shouta Aizawa was tired, but that didn't mean he could sleep. He was trying to sleep, but it all didn't help. He just didn't manage to actually sleep. And it was really bugging him, because he hadn't slept too well the night before, constantly worried that something was going to happen to his students.

With a sigh he got up out of bed. Maybe he should have taken a bath in the hot springs much earlier. It usually helped him to relax and fall asleep. Well, better late than never. He grabbed a towel from his room and quickly made his way towards the hot springs. It was almost 12 at night at this point, so there probably wouldn't be anyone else there at this time. Peace and quiet.

He listened at the door to the men's changing room for a while and it sounded like someone was in there. Or maybe he was just imagining things. Whatever that noise was, it was really quiet and it could have honestly come from anywhere.

Aizawa sighed and then slowly opened the door. The changing room was completely dark, only illuminated by the moonlight that was shining inside through the window. There was definitely someone in here. Hopefully, it wasn't Kan. Aizawa never knew what he was supposed to talk about with him and while he didn't mind silences, silences with Kan around were just uncomfortable.

He moved up to one of the lockers when he saw something white quickly disappear behind one of the lockers. Aizawa raised an eyebrow. Was that a student out after lights out? They'd regret it when they had to get up in the morning...

"Who's there?" he asked. There was no response for a long time, so he just walked over to the lockers. Someone was wrapped in a towel, pressed against the lockers, probably hoping he wouldn't see them.

When Aizawa got closer he saw black hair that was tied up and a towel that was wrapped around their whole body and... oh. Oh no. This was indeed a student, but definitely not one he had expected. Not in the men's changing room. What was it with him and her always meeting under the weirdest circumstances?

"Shinsou, I really hope you have a very good explanation for this." he said to her. She opened her eyes, her pupils quickly darting around the room before they met his eyes. She smiled shyly.

"Oh. Mr. Aizawa. Why... why are you in the girl's changing room?" she asked. Something about her was off. Her movements seemed kind of slow and lethargic and her eyes seemed redder than usual.

"This is the men's room." he deadpanned. There was visible confusion on Kaori's face until it finally lit up, as if she was having an epiphany. Was she high? Aizawa took a step closer and the smell of weed hit him instantly. Right. She was definitely high as fuck. That's probably why she had gotten lost.

"Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize. This is really embarrassing, I'll just... I'll just grab my stuff and head over to the other section. I swear I didn't do this on purpose." she started babbling. Aizawa sighed and watched her walk over to the locker she had put her things in, before a terrible thought struck him.

She was really, really high. Was it a good idea to let her go over there all by herself? What if anything happened to her? Shit. Them using the hot springs together at the same time was highly inappropriate, but at least he could make sure that she didn't faint and drown or anything.

"Hold on, just... wait. There's no one else awake, right?" Aizawa asked. Why was he doing this? This was such a dumb idea of his. Kaori shook her head.

"No, everyone's fast asleep. Why?" she asked.

"If you don't mind it, we can bathe together. You seem tired, you shouldn't be using the hot springs anyway. So I'd rather have an eye on you." he replied. This sounded so bad. But Kaori was probably high enough not to notice it. Or she just didn't mind. Both options were in the realm of possibilities.

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