32 - Aizawa

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Come out and haunt me

Things were a lot clearer for Shouta Aizawa the next morning. Which didn't mean they were less complicated. They had gotten much more complicated. He was aware that what happened with Kaori last night was not okay. This wouldn't fly under any circumstances, as long as he was teaching a course she was in.

But goddamn. He wanted her. He wanted her more than ever. Those dark, glistening eyes; the way she always had that faint smell of coffee on her; those pouty, soft lips; the way she had grabbed his hair; the curve of her hip; the way the sun was shining on her face in the morning - he just wanted all of it.

This was about more than just what he wanted, though. And for the good of everyone involved, he had to be an asshole about this whole thing. This was of course about his job, but also about Kaori being able to stay in the course and about her reputation. People were already talking, there was no need to make it worse. This whole thing last night happened, but it couldn't happen again.

He sighed, as he kept frying up some of the salmon he had still left in his fridge. He wasn't heartless enough to kick her out without some breakfast. A dark gray cat came running at the smell of the fish being fried and quietly meowed while walking through his legs. Aizawa smiled and cut a small bit of the fish.

He bent down and gave his cat the fish. Normally, she wouldn't be allowed to get any of his food, but some days Aizawa felt generous. Today was one of those days. They honestly happened more often than he liked to admit. The cat purred quickly, rubbing her head against his hand and then scooting off to eat something.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that." he heard Kaori's voice coming from the bedroom door. Aizawa looked up and saw her leaning against the door frame, the blanket wrapped around her lithe frame. Her hair was messy and his hair tie was still wrapped around her wrist. Her eyes were tired, but she had a lazy smile on her face. There were a whole lot of dark hickeys on her neck. Dear God, did I do that? Shit, that'll be tough to cover up.

"You're up early. How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked. Surprisingly, he had only had a slight headache when he woke up this morning and that went away quickly with an aspirin. (Or the off-brand version he had at home.)

"Better than I should be feeling. Do you... do you mind if I have a shower?" she replied. Aizawa shook his head, smiling a little, feeling another pang in his heart. This was nice and it made the whole talk he had to have with her even more difficult. If there were two weeks of her finishing her degree left he wouldn't have cared. But there were two whole years left for her.

"No, go ahead. It's the door to the right down there. There should be some towels on the shelf." he explained.

"And another thing... do you maybe have something to wear? The only thing I have is that dress from last night and it's not really something I can wear out on the streets in broad daylight."

"Sure, uh... just look for a sweater or a shirt or whatever for now and I'll see if I can find anything else later."

"Thanks, Mr. Aizawa." she answered and disappeared behind the bedroom door again. Aizawa almost thought he saw her blushing a little. He sighed and turned back to the breakfast he was making. It was pretty much almost done, all that was left to do was to cut up whatever vegetables he had at home and put it all on the small table he had in his apartment.

He heard the door to the bedroom open again and some fast steps. When he turned around he only saw Kaori's figure wrapped in one of his sweaters. It was big enough on her to reach down to about the middle of her thighs. Just as quickly as she appeared, she already disappeared into the bathroom again.

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