6 - Aizawa

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Though I know it must be the killing time

Shouta Aizawa was waiting for Kaori Shinsou in front of her house. He was early to pick her up, so he wasn't too bothered to be waiting for a little while. He was leaning against his car, enjoying the sun. It had finally stopped raining and the sun thankfully wasn't too strong yet, so it was just right to be outside.

He eyed up the pack of cigarettes that were on top of the dashboard. Aizawa used to smoke quite a lot, but had slowly gotten used to smoking less and less. These days he would only have a cigarette when he felt extraordinarily nervous. And right now, he wasn't outright nervous, but he felt uneasy. There really was no reason for that and that's what worried him. If he had learned one thing while he was working as a profiler, it was that he should be trusting his gut feeling.

Something about the whole day seemed off and he couldn't put his finger on what it was. There was nothing wrong. It was a calm day, except for quite a few incidents around town that needed to get resolved today. None of them really concerned him in any way, though. Maybe it had to do with the lockdown yesterday.

The press had managed to get onto the campus somehow and it had taken hours to take down all their details and send them off. There would be some hefty fines for trespassing coming to them soon, but thankfully nothing serious happened. Except for people being able to get through the tight security at U.A.

It was Yagi's fault, really. Shouta Aizawa would never understand why some people working on the more difficult and high profile cases were so happy to be talking to the press and to be on talk shows, give interviews and whatnot. To him, it was dumb. They were all already putting their lives on the line, working on these cases. Why would anyone try and draw even more attention to themselves? To make it easier for the bad guys? To cause a fuss wherever they went? It was dumb.

"And do the fucking dishes this time, Toshi, I'm not going to do your chores ever again, so you won't get into trouble!" Aizawa heard someone shouting from the house. He looked up, glad to have a distraction from the cigarettes.

Kaori Shinsou was slamming the door shut and walked up to him, shaking her head. She hadn't seen him yet, she probably wasn't aware that he was there. She was wearing a pair of black chinos and a dark red turtleneck. Her hair was tied up into a tight bun, but Aizawa knew it would fall apart within an hour.

"Morning, Shinsou." he said to her, as she was climbing over the gate leading up to her home. She looked up and immediately blushed a little. Aizawa knew that she was fully aware of it, but she did her best to play it off. She finished climbing over the gate (because opening it would have been too easy?) and gave him a smug smile, while her cheeks were slowly turning back to her usual skin colour.

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa. Sorry, I had to talk about something with my brother before I left the house, he can be really lazy sometimes. I hope I'm not late..." she replied. Aizawa was impressed by her not being flustered at all.

"It's fine. You're early. Let's go." he said to her and walked around the car to get into the driver's seat. He really didn't know why he offered to give her a lift to the Rescue Training Facility. He hated having other people as passengers, mostly because he didn't like entertaining others. He always felt uncomfortable being around most people, because he just didn't know what the hell to do with them.

Kaori Shinsou quickly got into her seat, closed the door and put on her seatbelt without much of a fuss. She held up some papers that were on her seat. Aizawa had almost forgotten about them, but he couldn't really do anything about it now. Anyway, there were some papers for Shinsou in there.

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