76 - Aizawa

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We'd ebb and flow

There were a lot of things about this entire situation that made it incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. At least for Shouta Aizawa. It wasn't just that Kaminari was here, when he wasn't really supposed to be - it was also that Kaori's and Hitoshi's parents weren't home, which just made this whole thing feel pretty weird, even though (or maybe especially because) they were both pretty close to him.

In Kaori's case the phrase being close didn't really cut it. Aizawa had definitely noticed that she was wearing a turtleneck, even though it was roasting hot in the rooftop apartment. Of course he knew why she was wearing a turtleneck (and probably dying of dehydration). And he was really sorry about it, because in that weather? No one should have to wear anything with sleeves.

"So. What brings you here, Mr. Aizawa?" Kaori asked once she had sat down. She had a mischievous little smile on her face, as she brought her legs up to the couch and angled them against the arm rests, showing off every little curve she possessed. If Aizawa hadn't already been sweating from the heat, he would have started right about now. He cleared his throat.

"Right. I'm here, because as a reaction to the recent... incidents... U.A. has decided to implement a dorm system." he explained.

"A dorm system? Like we're all living in our own rooms in the same building or we're bunking? And we get to hang out with everyone else all the time? Oh my God, that sounds amazing!" Kaminari blurted out.

"No, that sounds like an actual nightmare." Hitoshi replied. Kaori just sipped from her cup of coffee, but Aizawa could see that she was thinking about a million things right now. He knew that expression on her.

"Well, we would like a signature from your parents on these forms, first. But the thing is... well, if you don't want to move into dorms, I suppose U.A. can't take you on as students anymore." he told them. He thought that was a little harsh himself, but Nezu made the rules. He was the one that didn't fire him. The parent rule was a nice-to-have thing and not a requirement, but it was pretty much mandatory, since it was either them or the students themselves that would have to pay the increase in tuition fees. And the parents were usually the ones that worried most.

"Seriously? So you're saying, if my parents don't sign this, my three and a half years of hard work will just go down the drain like that?" Kaori blurted out. Aizawa sighed. He didn't really expect her and Hitoshi's parents to make any problems, but... well, it was always the ones you least expected, right?

"Not exactly. Of course the whole dorm system will technically be free, but it will come with an increase in tuition fees. That's why Nezu would like your parents' signature on all this. Of course you can sign for yourselves without any problem, if you don't think tuition will be a problem for you." he explained.

"What about students on Financial Aid?" Kaori wanted to know with a raised eyebrow and took one of the forms out of his hands, studying it word for word.She didn't really seem convinced and Aizawa was not surprised. She was smart enough to figure out the implications of all this.

"Financial Aid students will have to ask their case workers, obviously. Anyway, do you think that this'll be a problem for you two?" Aizawa asked them. Hitoshi just shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't know if my parents are really down to pay a higher tuition..." Kaminari mumbled. Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

"They already signed it for you. No need to worry." he replied. Kaminari gave him a shocked look.

"They did? Wow. Okay. Man, that's gonna be so much fun! We can have movie nights! Do you like movie nights, Mr. Aizawa?" he wanted to know, his eyes gleaming excitedly. He shook his head.

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