79 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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I still want to wonder 'bout the things you do

"I can't believe I get to see Kage and Kiri again! They're so cute!" Kaminari squealed, almost tripping over his own feet, as he was dancing around Hitoshi. He just sighed and smiled at the blond.

"Yeah, but we have to walk all the way to my sister's dorm. And carry them back after. In the blazing sun." he complained.

"Good, that means I get to see you all sweaty..." Kaminari teased with a big grin on his face. Hitoshi tried to give him a stern look, but he couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself. It was weird, now that all the weird tension between them was suddenly gone and... replaced with something different to worry about.

"Why are you just so damn cute?" Hitoshi replied quietly, feeling a slight blush coming onto his cheeks.

"No, you're cute! And like... super hot." Kaminari said, as he wrapped his arm around Hitoshi's waist and pressed himself up closer to him. Hitoshi's breath hitched a little. He hadn't been expecting that much human contact any day, especially not today. But, well, things had happened.

Looked like he had a boyfriend now. And it was Denki Kaminari. The guy he had been crushing on for a good year or so, since he started working at the coffee shop he always went to. And now here they were, coming back from a date on which they had the best coffee ever (and had also made out a whole lot) and... what even was Hitoshi's life at this point?

"Denki. Too warm. I like cuddling you, but let's just... not do that right now." he muttered, as they walked into the dorm.

"Only if I get to come back to your dorm later." Kaminari whispered in his ear. It was then that they heard the rustling of some papers. Someone was sitting in the common area, reading the papers.

She had lowered them down and was giving him and Kaminari an annoyed look. Hitoshi thought he remembered her face from somewhere. Had Kaori said something about her at some point? Suzuki? No, definitely not. Nishiyama?

"Wrong dorm, first years." she just commented. It seemed more and more like that was Nishiyama. Kaori didn't have a lot of nice things to say about her. Apparently she had started all the rumours in the first place.

"I'm here to see my sister." Hitoshi mumbled. The girl raised an eyebrow and mustered him for a while.

"Shinsou?" she asked.

"Yeah. Is she here?" Hitoshi replied. Kaminari was looking back and forth between the two of them nervously.

"Fucked if I know. Third floor. If she's not there, check the teacher's dorms." she answered with a sickeningly sweet smile. It was obviously 100% fake. But Hitoshi knew better than to retaliate. He just rolled his eyes.

"Thanks." he said, grabbing Kaminari's hand and heading towards the stairs. He could have taken the elevator, but he really didn't want to be standing in that girl's line of sight much longer.

"What's her problem?" Kaminari asked, trying to look back at the girl sitting on the couch. Hitoshi quickly walked up the stairs, pulling Kaminari along with him. People like Nishiyama suggesting that Kaori was sleeping with her professors just triggered him. When Kaminari brought it up earlier, it was fine, but Nishiyama? Hell no. She was jealous of how well Kaori did in her course and that was all.

"Hey, are you gonna answer me?" Kaminari asked again.

"Sorry, she just makes me angry. I think her name is Nishiyama, and if that's her, then she was the one that started all those rumours about Kaori and Aizawa, because she couldn't wrap her head around someone doing well in the courses he taught." Hitoshi explained, as they walked up the last flight of stairs.

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