88 - Shinsou

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A/N: SMUT at the end of the chapter.

We should just kiss like real people do

Kaori Shinsou was prepared for many things when this whole thing with her professor actually became serious. But somehow she wasn't prepared for sitting in his dorm room with the door slightly open (so no one would get any wrong ideas), preparing a lesson that she was supposed to hold in his class, while getting distracted because she couldn't stop staring at the way his lips moved.

She was trying to do this properly, to be able to focus on preparing this stupid lesson, especially since she didn't enjoy speaking in front of a bunch of people, but Shouta was just too damn distracting. Too bad they were leaving the door open... on the other hand, if they didn't Kaori would never finish preparing that lesson. Which was remarkable, because it was a quite interesting topic.

The whole thing was supposed to be held in about a week and be about interrogation techniques and how to avoid false memory. There were some interesting case studies on the topic and Kaori remembered basically eating them up when she did Criminology. Obviously, it was much more than just a long lecture for her. She had a full week and an essay on the topic.

The problem was condensing that down into one single lesson. There were so many subtopics and in Kaori's mind they all seemed equally important. They probably weren't for police officers in active service, but still. It wasn't like she could cover too much material, right?

And in addition to that dilemma, while she was wracking her brain, Shouta Aizawa was just sitting there, grading papers, with his hair in a bun, looking like an absolute snack. It was frustrating.

"I can't do it. You have to give me more time for this topic. I can't possibly fit all of that in one single lecture." Kaori exclaimed and threw her pencil down on the stack of papers she was working with. Shouta looked up from his papers, glancing at her and then at the summary she was putting together.

"You know you can assign them some of that as a pre-read, right?" he replied, leaning back in his chair.

"I know, but what do I assign as a pre-read? I've got a whole bunch of stuff to cover and I don't want to make it boring. But not making it boring takes away so much time!" she answered.

"What do you have so far?" Shouta asked, putting down his pen and his papers. He walked over to Kaori and looked down at her paper that had an array of striked through words and numbers and arrows that were mostly contradicting each other on it. Kaori barely even remembered what half of her notes meant.

"Well, I figured it might help to have a short overview of how memory works in general, then get into Loftus' study on how phrasing of questions can influence memory, mention a few other studies in that area and then get into the national guidelines for questioning, focussing on the things that are designed to avoid distorting eyewitness testimonies. But I also have the Reykjavik case somewhere in there, the whole debate on recovered memories, hypnosis, which things can influence a better retrieval of memory and I'm not sure if I even have time to cover children as eyewitnesses." Kaori explained. Even talking about it, she realized that there was way too much ground to cover.

"And is there anything you'd think would make sense as a pre-read?" Shouta wanted to know.

"I suppose I could put together something on how memory works as a pre-read. Maybe they can also read the guidelines for questioning already? I mean, at this point they should have covered it at some point, right?" Kaori replied. Shouta nodded and leaned over her to have a look at her notes.

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