8 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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If Hitoshi Shinsou hadn't known his sister as well as he did, he would have been wondering why she was running into a fight that was most definitely going to hurt her in one way or the other. But Hitoshi was close to Kaori and he knew she could become a terrible, terrible dumbass when she was faced with an extraordinary situation. No matter how smart she might be in everyday life - she just tended to make very stupid decisions sometimes. Or maybe they were brave ones. Hitoshi wasn't quite sure.

If he was less of an insomniac he might have fallen asleep on the hospital chair in his sister's room. But even though he tried to fall asleep, it was just impossible. At least he could have an eye on Kaori. She had woken up shortly earlier, babbled some nonsense and had fallen asleep again.

At least she was finally getting some rest. Kind of sad she had to get some severe head trauma for that. Hitoshi had been thinking about paying a visit to the first year that got injured while getting his sister and her professor away from the center of the attack. Apparently he got a good few broken bones from that, which was good considering how much worse it could have gone.

But Hitoshi was not the most social person in the world and he really wanted to avoid an awkward conversation with this guy he barely knew. Maybe he could send some flowers and a card later, or whatever one was supposed to do in this sort of situation. How would he know?

Hitoshi looked at Kaori who seemed to be quite stable now. The doctors were incredibly concerned, because both her and Professor Aizawa had been passed out for well over 30 minutes when they got to the hospital. Through some weird luck Kaori had gotten away without needing any surgery. She had a few broken bones and a severe concussion, but they didn't have to open her skull.

Aizawa, however, had needed surgery. He had a much more severe case of head trauma and his whole skull was apparently fractured. Or that's what Hitoshi's parents said, at least. It was kind of funny to him that he had spent more time with them at the hospital than at home. They were doctors at this very hospital and alway, always, always at work. Even now they hadn't taken time off to check on Kaori, they were busy with emergency surgeries and whatnot.


Hitoshi looked up and saw Kaori look at him with tired eyes. She seemed a little confused, as she looked around the room.

"Rise and shine, Kaori." he said with a smug grin on his face. He was really relieved that she had finally woken up. The nurses were getting anxious for her to properly wake up. If she hadn't they would have had to run a lot more tests on her.

"Don't really feel like it. Am I... at the hospital?" she replied. She carefully sat up a little and groaned, holding her head.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?" Hitoshi said and pulled his chair up closer to the hospital bed. God, he had been so worried when he heard that there was an attack and that people were injured. He had tried to call Kaori for ages and she wouldn't answer. And then his parents called and said he should get to the hospital as quickly as he could. When he saw her first, she was just done with her CT scan and they were bringing her to the room. She was still wearing her bloody clothes and everything.

"Like shit. Got a headache. Feel a little sick and dizzy. And confused." she replied and took a look around the room.

"Can you get me some water?" she wanted to know. Hitoshi nodded and got up, picking up an empty glass that he had been drinking from. He walked over to the bathroom that was in the room and started washing out the glass and filling it with tap water. He still couldn't believe how lucky she was to be alive.

"Can you remember anything of what happened?" Hitoshi asked her, as he was on his way back to her. He gave her the glass of water and she started gulping it down quickly, as if she hadn't had anything to drink in days. Hitoshi sat down in his chair again, as Kaori put the glass on the side table.

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