Realizing His Feelings

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- He's freaking out because he's never really had a crush before at least one that's lasted more than a couple of days so he doesn't really know what to do at the moment.

- Since when did he like you like that anyway, you're supposed to be his friend so it just makes it even more difficult for him to process this because he's not used to seeing you as more than that.

- He blushes every time you touch, talk, or are even nearby him and that makes you worried because you think he's sick especially because he's not exactly subtle about how hard he tries to avoid you at some points.

- He doesn't know if he should tell you or not because he doesn't want to ruin your guys' friendship but he desperately wants to tell you because he needs to hear whether or not you like him back.

- He wants to just to listen to you reject him since he thinks that's what's most likely going to happen and then move on with his life hoping that you forgive him for having those feelings for you in the first place.

- "Izuku! Snap out of it! You've been avoiding me all day what's going on?! Your face is really red are you sick?! Why are you avoiding me?"

- "A-Ah, Y/N you scared me. I'm not avoiding you I promise. I've just been so busy with training and with school, I haven't really had time for anything else so I'm sorry if you thought that."

- "I'm sorry I scared you but you usually study with me so that's not a really valid excuse here. Are you sure you're all right you look a little flushed? Maybe you should take a break if you are training so hard."

- He regretfully dodges your hand as you try to check his temperature and then makes up a very incoherent and pathetic excuse that nobody would fall for especially since it doesn't make any sense.

- "Well, Y/N I think I forgot my, All Might in Taiwan see you later, goodnight! Don't let the creepy pogo man with the state of Kirishima kill you on your walk to the beach!"

- "W-What just came out of your mouth? Seriously, what the hell was that? Don't run away from me! Izuku explain please!"

- He leaves you standing in the middle of the hallway quite confused and mildly freaked out because you didn't know if somebody was coming to stab you now so you were very worried about him and yourself.

- He speaks nothing but gibberish to you for the next few days and he accidentally scared you multiple times because he had frequently warned you about people coming to attack you that never showed up since it wasn't actually a reality so he managed to get his mind straight long enough to apologize to you.

- You're worried about him and you realize that most of the stuff he says to you isn't true at the moment because he isn't thinking correctly so you go ahead and ask All Might for help because he's Izuku's mentor and he should know what's going on.

- Now All Might's worried but also confused because apparently you're twitchy best friend is completely normal around everyone else except you so now you're just even more worried and confused and you just wish he would talk to you and get it off his chest whatever is bothering him.

- He will eventually but he's not going to do that now and once again he manages to think straight long enough to apologize to you when he does scare you but after that, his mind is just completely broken when interacting with you.

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