When He Takes Care Of You

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- You didn't know this would happen and it wasn't because you were attacked or anything it was because you were just clumsy because you fell down a flight of stairs.

- You dislocated your shoulder and sprained your knee in the process and he genuinely thought somebody had attacked you so he was panicking when he slammed open the door to the infirmary.

- Recovery Girl just told you to take it easy and you should be back to normal by the end of the week with the help of her quirk but she wasn't hesitating to chastise you for how clumsy you can manage to be.

- You were just carrying a bunch of stuff and you couldn't see anything in front of you so of course, you were going to trip on something you just didn't expect that you were going to lose your footing in the middle of a staircase.

- He was thankful that your injuries weren't anything serious and he helped you back to your dorm room while also constantly asking if you were okay because he was not sure judging by the neutral look on your face.

- You felt a little dumb for sure because you thought it was stupid how you did manage to get injured like this but he didn't see it that way at all because you were helping a teacher out and you just happened to slip.

- It wasn't a big deal but he could see how annoyed you were with yourself and he felt really bad because he didn't exactly know what to say to make you feel better.

- You're usually not this quiet either so when he sat you on your bed he was debating on whether or not to ask you what was really wrong with you.

- "Y/N come on you've been dead silent this entire time. It was an accident and it wasn't anybody's fault especially not yours. Please don't beat yourself up about this you were just trying to help a teacher."

- You sigh still annoyed with yourself but you didn't want to accidentally upset him by acting cold or mean.

- "I know it wasn't anybody's fault but it just felt like a stupid way to get hurt you know. I mean after everything we've all been through a staircase is the thing that puts me out of commission for another week. It's just so dumb."

- "It's not dumb. You got hurt that's that. People get hurt all the time for no reason and they wonder how they got those random bruises on their bodies. You fell down a flight of stairs you're lucky you didn't snap your neck and you'll be just fine in a week so please don't worry about it."

- He doesn't like to see you beat yourself up about anything and even though he doesn't really know what to say in this moment other than that he does keep you wrapped in a light hug careful not to apply pressure to your shoulder.

- "Thanks Izuku I know this is a stupid self-pity party but thank you for being here for me through it. You really are the best you know that."

- He smiles and places to kiss to your temple before he was summoned to go back to class but he stays with you during all the free time he has, even occasionally checking up on you in between classes as well.

- He does the same thing over the week you recover and once you're finally back to normal he makes sure to stay by your side for a while just to make sure you get help if you need it when you're assigned to do something.

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