Your "Friend" Makes A Pass At Him

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- Yikes, he knew exactly what was happening the moment he was left unwillingly alone with your supposed friend while you went to go grab a couple of books from the library.

- Look he doesn't necessarily dislike people but he always got a bad vibe from this chick since the moment he was introduced to her so he wasn't exactly eager to be left alone with her especially when the moment you were out of sight she started inching closer to him.

- He did his best to keep up as polite of a conversation as he could muster and he also made sure to keep his distance even though she was making it remarkably difficult to do so, however eventually the only thing coming out of her mouth was flirty and inappropriate comments that were just annoying him at this point.

- He didn't want to say anything outright because he didn't want to cause a scene so eventually he just stood up and started walking toward the library leaving her completely shell-shocked as she tried to get up and follow him.

- At this point, she's now flat-out asking him why he's even with you and if he wanted to go out with her instead since she's completely willing and available to do so whenever he wanted to, and more specifically whenever he felt like dumping you.

- He struggled not to snap at her, biting his tongue the entire way to the library but he did manage to keep it together and the moment he saw you he explained everything in great detail and basically asked for your permission to explode on her.

- Look you still considered her friend before he told you everything so he didn't want to just blow up on her without giving you an explanation but once he got your permission to verbally destroy her, he lost it.

- "Oh thank god. Listen I don't know how self-centered or insecure you have to be to go after one of your friends' boyfriends but oh my goodness you really are desperate aren't you? The fact that you were practically begging me to dump my girlfriend so I could downgrade to you is enough to let me know that you can't get your own partner so you have to steal someone else's-"

- She...slapped him...hard... that's the moment all hell broke lose because you stepped in and nearly killed her, setting off your quirk and sending her flying through a couple of walls, and the next thing either of you knew she was being tended to by Recovery Girl while you were being scolded by Aizawa who happen to be in the library when all this went down.

- You don't care, she had no right to be harassing your boyfriend in the first place so the fact that she felt justified in slapping him when he was standing up for himself and shutting her down made you absolutely lose your shit.

- It's a miracle she's still breathing at this point and you flat out admitted to Aizawa that you would have done much worse if he hadn't been's lucky for you that he was there though because that means he saw the entire thing go down and he could defend you to some degree to Nezu.

- Yeah, Nezu wasn't happy hearing about how you blew a hole in the library and a dozen other rooms using a fellow student to do so, however, he was lenient with his punishment when he heard the whole story however you did still get suspended for a good three weeks.

- You also weren't allowed to leave the dorms and you were essentially placed on house arrest but once again you didn't care and in fact, you were completely fine with your punishment since they essentially gave you three weeks off of school.

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