First Kiss

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- You two were training with All Might and Aizawa so they could assess how far you guys were progressing with your quirks since both of you are technically special cases.

- You had to defeat either of them within ten minutes without getting injured too badly because both of them knew that since they weren't going to hold back you guys were at least going to get a little bit beat up.

- You were barely able to take down Aizawa but you managed and it was really awkward standing next to the person who beat the crap out of you two minutes ago as you watched your boyfriend continue his fight.

- You want to go help Midoriya when you saw him getting thrown across the field and you know he's been doing good with his quirk but you are afraid of him breaking even more bones than he usually does especially because of how hard he's getting thrown in literally every direction.

- You desperately wanted to help but you were held back by Aizawa's scarf and it's not like you had a lot of energy left to actually fight him again so you had to back down.

- Midoriya managed to get the upper hand and win right before the buzzer went off much to everyone's surprise including All Might's because he wasn't even close to turning back into his shrunken form so he was impressed and so were you.

- He runs to you and picks you up in his arms spinning you around a little bit because he's just so happy that he not only managed to win but that he also managed to not break a single bone.

- "Y/N did you see me?! I managed to use One For All at a higher percent without injuring myself! Did you see that?! How did your fight go?! Did you win?!"

- "Yes Izuku I saw you and yes I won! You were amazing! Are you serious though? You didn't break anything? I'm so proud of you that's awesome."

- You two were a giggly mess of pure joy that made Aizawa sick but it's not like either of you cared because you were just so proud of each other and your progress.

- He gets so excited that he kisses you out of instinct surprising you a little bit but your eyes immediately close as you kiss him back still holding on to him.

- He drops you immediately when he realized what he just did and now the both of you were blushing like crazy because neither of you even realized you were kissing each other until you were on the floor.

- He looked away from you as he tries to figure out if you're mad at him or not completely forgetting the fact that you kissed him back even though it was very quick.

- Aizawa doesn't care about this at all yet All Might just watches this whole thing go down with an amused look on his face as if he was a proud father watching his son grow up.

- Midoriya helps you up and you give him a peck on the lips signaling that you were fine with what just happened and he immediately asks you if you want to go on a date which you accept just as quickly.

- You two leave in the middle of class much to both of your teachers' protests and they tried to stop you but neither of you could really hear them at the moment because you were just so focused on each other.


- You were running from Nezu to prevent another suspension or hell, to prevent an expulsion even though in all fairness you didn't do anything nearly as bad this time.

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