NSFW Alphabet - Iida

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- He's really sweet after sex but he doesn't exactly know how to take care of you afterward and just kind of waits for your approval or recommendation for him to do something. 

- Once you do tell him what you may or may not need he'll immediately do it without question or hesitation.

- After a few times, he'll get used to what to do after and you won't have to say a single word for him to clean you up, or get you food, or just for him to lay back down and cuddle you as you both fall asleep.

- If he goes extra hard or if you're a little more exhausted than usual he'll make sure that all of your needs are satisfied before he even thinks about himself.

- He knows that he needs to brush up on his cooking though and will usually just make you a smoothie while putting on a movie for you two to watch before the exhaustion hits you both.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

- He really likes his legs of course mainly because of the lower body strength it gives him when he wants to hold you against a wall or just have you on his lap.

- He also likes the because of the scratch marks you tend to leave on them every time you ride him or suck him off.

- While he likes his legs he also likes yours preferably your fluffy thighs, mainly because he loves thigh jobs like crazy and will jump at the potential to have one but he also likes your thighs because he likes to lay on them like pillows and just caress them because of how soft they are.

- He really loves your body in general but tends to stick to the lower half of your body when admiring you.

- He really just likes to lay his head on your thighs when he's resting and he usually places gently kisses or hickeys on them during sex.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

- He'll usually pull out in time to cum on your thighs, ass, or stomach but he absolutely refuses to cum inside of you unless it's going down your throat.

- Well, he likes to tell himself that but truth be told he cums inside of you quite often even when it's not really necessary to do so, so you just let him insist that he doesn't even though you both know that he does, a lot.

- When he does cum in your mouth though he likes you to show him before you swallow just so he can see the damage he's done to your throat.

- There's just something about seeing the inside of your mouth painted white that really gets him going and just makes him want to go again or just have full-on sex with you.

- Other than that he won't cum inside of you unless he's desperate, can't pull out, or just knows that there's no time to clean you up especially if you have to be somewhere, at least, that's what he tells himself.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- He desperately wants to fuck you while using his quirk to move you around the room and slam you against anything he can find.

- He just really wants to see the bruises that come out of that but he doesn't want to hurt you and potentially cause an injury that sends you to the doctor.

- He really loves the idea of tossing you around and having complete control of where you go and when you go there so he just wants to see how quickly he can move you while still thrusting deep inside of you.

- He also wants to see if it amplifies or dampens his quirk's speed and if his legs will give out a lot quicker than usual.

- He really likes the idea of being fully in control but his mind usually goes to things that will definitely leave bruises on you so he doesn't really bring it up with you because he doesn't want to hurt you.

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