Talking To His Friends About You

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- He never shuts up about you, and rightfully so, most of his conversations with his friends somehow wind up revolving around you regardless of whether or not they were talking about you in the first place.

- He usually talks specifically to Iida and Todoroki simply because he's closest to them and they don't seem to get annoyed by his constant fawning over you even though it can get old very quickly if he's talking to the wrong person.

- Most recently he's been talking non-stop about his plans with you, dates, missions, lazy days all that fun stuff, and his friends in fact give him date ideas just so he can keep on surprising you over and over again.

- That doesn't stop him from arguing with his friends though, because if they suggest a date idea he knows you wouldn't enjoy they'll often try to still get him to plan it out just to see your reaction.

- "Midoriya you've got to keep her on her toes! Do something she would never expect you to do for her, for instance instead of taking her to the beach...put her on a plane and go skydiving it'll be fun!"

- "Kaminari are you trying to get me killed? You do realize that if I even attempt to push her out of a plane or hell even think about it she will strangle me with her bare hands right? I love my girlfriend but she's scary so let's not put her in a situation where she could easily push me out of a plane as well."

- "Okay okay then what exactly does she like? You've been dating her for years. You've got to know her preferences by now, give me a few clues so I can help you come up with ideas before she gets back."

- "Well she doesn't exactly like daredevil stuff, she would probably prefer something quiet or at least something where her feet stay on the ground. She's not a huge fan of surprises, at least not big ones so if I were to take her on a date it'd probably have to be something like a really nice dinner....Although she's a picky eater so she doesn't like really trying new places."

- He mutters for a little while, essentially talking to himself at that point but it's certainly working, he's narrowing down what exactly to do for you, and his friends are impressed by it, especially by his dedication.

- "Dude you really do need to relax, you guys have been dating for years at this point. She's going to love whatever you do for her. The amount of thought you're putting into this already is enough for her I'm sure."

- "I know she'll most likely be happy with anything but, Kaminari she's perfect. I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry her, I want to make every moment with her special...So even if I overthink it I want to make sure I give her a perfect date."

- "Well then you better keep thinking. If you want something to be perfect you're going to have to debate for hours not minutes. You two really are something you know that?"

- Midoriya smiles, he's happy that his friends are able to understand how much he truly cares about you, and he's really happy that they're trying their best to help them come up with date ideas because he's really done everything someone could possibly do for you.

- "Yeah...we are... I don't know what I would do without her. Thank you for helping me out with this. I really appreciate it."

- "It's not a problem. Just because you two make me sick doesn't mean I don't want you to have a happy and healthy dating life. Seriously, you guys are as sweet as candy it makes me want to gag."

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