You Walk In On Him Changing

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- He was trying on a bunch of different suits his mother had given him because she wanted him to have more formal attire since he only had one suit that was practically falling apart at this point.

- He had completely forgotten to tell you that he was going to be in and out of clothes all day and when you walked into his dorm he was actually stuck trying to get the suit's shirt over his head.

- You shut the door and immediately move to help him trying to get the shirt off of him without ripping it but that's pretty difficult when it's almost four sizes too small and he's moving around a lot.

- You finally managed to get it off of him and when he sees who helped him he blushes in embarrassment while trying to hide his face, not because of the situation you caught him in, it's because of what you're going to have to do next.

- He somehow had managed to get the pants on and it was very obvious that he was going to need help to get them off so he very quietly and timidly asked you if you could help.

- You are just confused at this point because you have no idea how he managed to get the suit on because once again it's four sizes too small and now he's struggling to get it off.

- You help him regardless and it's actually way more difficult than you thought it would be and it gets to the point where you're willing to take scissors and just cut off the pants but he tells you his mother is going to be wanting it back since it doesn't fit.

- You two have been moving around so much and had wound up in so many different positions he doesn't even realize when he got hard nor does he realize when your shirt somehow became unbuttoned in the process of this.

- At this point, the two of you are trying to get his pants off for a different reason and he makes that reason perfectly clear when he unbuttons the rest of your shirt and pulls it off of you.

- It's still a struggle for sure but the second you get his pants off you're right on top of him, straddling his waist and pulling him in for a kiss.

- He grinds up into you while pulling you down onto him and he lightly grips the back of your head to deepen the kiss between you two.

- He doesn't miss any of the noises you make and even though he wants to hear them he has to keep them muffled just in case anybody overhears the two of you.

- He's forced to stop though when he hears a bunch of his friends walking down the hallway loudly talking about how they were going to invite both of you to a movie probably knowing what you two are doing in there but still wanting to ask.

- He's completely willing to very bluntly reject them but he figures that if you two continue you're just going to get interrupted by someone else since it is the middle of the day so he accepts their offer and helps you get dressed.

- You go with them and the both of you are just so antsy during the entire movie just itching to get back to the dorms and rip each other's clothes off at this point.

- He's almost willing to drag you out of the theater and just fuck you in the car but the movie was good and you paid for the popcorn so he wasn't going to let it go to waste.


- He's so smug when you walk in on him changing and he will do literally everything to exaggerate all of his movements while you're watching just to get you riled up.

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