When You Fall Asleep

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- You both had a long day and you still had a bunch of studying to do as well as a lot more training on your own even though neither of you really wanted to do that considering how both of your bodies were begging you two to stop.

- You asked him if he would like to come over to your house since you have a huge backyard that will most definitely be useful when it comes to either of you training your quirks.

- He was really happy that you were willing to let him come over and regained all of his energy back just at the thought however you were still extremely exhausted so you couldn't match his energy at all.

- You, could barely stand and leaned on him the whole way to your house barely registering him asking you for directions so before you did pass out you just plug your address into his phone and he would be able to find your house that way.

- He didn't mind because he knew how truly exhausted you were so much so that he even offered to carry you to your house which you happily accepted and climbed into his arms.

- He set you down on your bed the second he managed to figure out where it was after having already spent ten minutes at your front door trying to find where you keep your spare key not willing to wake you up to ask you for it.

- He knows that you passed out when he was carrying you and just covers you in your blankets making sure that none of your limbs are hanging off your bed as he leaves your room to let you sleep for a little while.

- He does a little bit of studying but his gaze keeps drifting back towards your room and he eventually moves all of his paperwork into your room so he could be closer to you as he studied even though it was much harder to read since all the lights were off.

- He realizes that there's no way in hell he can focus with you so close to him so he just stands up lightly pecks you on the cheek before he climbs on top of your bed and stays above the covers staring at you for a little while.

- He wraps his arms around your waist and nestles his head in your hair admiring the way your form seems to fit perfectly in his arms as he pulls you closer to him.

- "Sleep well Y/N."

- He quickly falls asleep holding on to you since whenever energy he had left was completely lost the second his head hit one of your pillows and he finally got his arms around you.

- He's surprised when he wakes up before you and realizes that it's the middle of the night so he elects to just get up and do some late night training as quietly as he possibly can since he doesn't want to disturb you.

- When he does try and get up though he realizes that you have an iron grip on him in your sleep and you're not letting him go no matter how hard he tries to gently remove himself from your grasp.

- He realizes that there's no way he's going to be able to escape without waking you up so he finally gives in and just collapses on top of you this time quickly falling asleep once again wondering how the hell he thought he would be able to train considering how easily he fell asleep.

- You two sleep straight through the night until you wake up and stare at him for a while waiting for him to wake up and immediately start blushing at the sight of you looking up at him.

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