NSFW Alphabet - Chisaki

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- Even though he's not a big fan of getting touched he absolutely loves touching and cuddling you during and after sex.

- He'll wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you get up and leave and if you do manage too then he'll follow you around while still holding your hand.

- If you can walk afterward you are usually up and about trying to finish your work which just makes him feel bad because he's the one who gave you the work so he'll actually help you finish so the both of you can go back to bed.

- He usually makes sure that you can't walk though mainly because he likes falling asleep with you in his arms.

- On nights like that he makes sure not to give you as much work so you won't be rushing to finish everything and you can relax and fall asleep without worrying about anything.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

- It's not really a body part but he really likes his voice mainly because he can obviously tell how it sends shivers down your spine.

- He just likes the effect that something as simple as his voice has on you and it's amazing to him to watch you squirm when he whispers in your ear.

- He likes everything about you physically and mentally so a combination of those would probably be your face because he thinks you're gorgeous and he loves seeing you smile or frown to let him know if something is going on because that means you trust him enough to let him know something's going on with you.

- He also loves your eyes just staring at them drives him crazy and he eventually will get lost in them and just get lured in by them.

- He thinks you're the purest thing on this planet and he will stand by that till the day he dies so it's very difficult to get him to pick a favorite physical feature.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

- He's going to be finishing inside you one way or another whether you like it or not because he's not making a mess all over the bed or on you for that matter.

- It doesn't matter whether he cums in the condom, inside you, or down your throat as long as it doesn't make too much of a mess then he's happy.

- As long as you're fine with him finishing in the specific spot he wants to then he'll cum without hesitation and he's always grateful that you don't seem to mind where he cums and you even go along with it as well sometimes telling where you want him to finish.

- He makes sure that whatever mess that is made is cleaned up by him because he's most likely the one who made it even though he tries to be careful.

- He doesn't really care where you cum since he's so specific with his release he wants you to have freedom with yours.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- When he first started falling for you and getting certain urges towards you he kind of went into stalker mode and would monitor your every movement is especially in your bedroom.

- This means that he saw you changing multiple times before you two actually got together and when you did he removed all the cameras in fear of you being furious with him.

- It's not that he was trying to be a perv he was just curious to see what you look like and curious to see if your body and appearance had an effect on him which it did and it really annoyed him until he figured out that he actually had feelings for you.

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