NSFW Alphabet - Shigaraki

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- He's very shy and quiet after sex and he usually just follows your lead when it comes to cleaning both of you up and taking care of other things.

- He tends to just wrap his arms around you from behind and bury his head in the crook of your neck as he just follows you around.

- He doesn't talk much and the only noises that really leave his mouth are sighs of relaxation and slight mewls of pleasure when you two take a bath together or when you snuggle up to him in bed without even bothering to get up.

- Usually, you get up and take a bath with him, and then you might clean up the room but you're both extremely tired afterward so you just stick to the bath and worry about the other stuff in the morning.

- He'll always ask you if you're all right and if you need anything but after that, he goes silent and just lets you take care of the rest.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

- He surprisingly prefers his neck over the rest of his body despite the scars and the trauma that caused them.

- Since he met you, he's actually been able to contain and control his urges to claw at his neck and he likes that you don't seem to mind his scars since you tend to place gentle soothing kisses all over them.

- He loves your body as a whole but he'd probably go with your hands if he had to pick a favorite mainly because you fearlessly touch him without hesitation.

- He really appreciates your gentle touch even during your regular day so it drives him crazy when you caress or touch and part of him during sex.

- He also just likes taking your hand and kissing your palm whenever since you don't seem to mind it and that just makes him even happier that you aren't afraid to let him touch you.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

- He actually prefers to cum on you instead of in you mainly because he noticed that you don't really prefer the feeling of him finishing inside of you.

- It drives you crazy either way but he just realized that you actually like the feeling of it on your skin and he doesn't mind the sight of it painting your body either.

- He doesn't care where he finishes so he just asks you where specifically on your body you want him to release on and he does it without hesitation, if you're giving him a handjob, blowjob, or thigh job then you'll ask him where he would like to finish.

- You two just don't really care, as long as you cum then you don't care where it ends up so it's just up to where you really want it that round.

- Since you two tend to go for multiple rounds then it isn't uncommon for him to cum all over you barely leaving a patch of uncovered skin behind.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- He really wants to see if he can fuck you without you canceling out his quirk just once to feel the risk and rush of the whole thing.

- He doesn't even really know if that's how your quirk works or if it's just in your DNA so he doesn't really think about it all that much.

- When he does think about it though it drives him crazy because he's just so curious to see if you would actually be willing to put your life in his hands if you haven't done so already because he still genuinely doesn't know if your immunity to his quirk comes from your own or it's just how you are.

- He's really hesitant about bringing this up though because he is definitely terrified of actually hurting you.

- He just doesn't trust himself enough to be able to focus on keeping at least one finger off of you at all times through the entire time you two have sex so he pushes his curious thoughts aside and refuses to bring it up until he can trust himself to do so.

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