He Saves You

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- You were running down the street trying to find Aizawa considering the fact that he disappeared in the middle of class and Bakugo was currently trying to kill your boyfriend for some unknown reason...as usual.

- You sure found him all right when you rounded a corner and spotted him fighting a Nomu that somehow managed to escape custody and was now on a rampage with no other hero in sight.

- The Nomu wasn't the only villain he was dealing with though and a bunch of the lower-level ones have already been incapacitated, however, he was struggling to take care of this Nomu alone.

- Aizawa notices you and tells you to run and get help since he wasn't willing to get one of his students involved in this so he told you specifically to go get a hero and to also keep quiet about this if somebody else in your class asks you what happened.

- You try to leave but you're stopped by another Nomu that was much bigger than the one your teacher was currently fighting so you knew you were going to have trouble even landing a hit let alone incapacitating it.

- You duck and dodge its attacks but you can't find an opening to get a hit in before it slams you against a wall effectively knocking the wind out of you and almost knocking you out in general.

- Its size is overwhelming as well as its strength so you can't fight back and it's about to kill you until you hear Midoriya screaming in the middle of the street.

- "One For All! One-hundred percent!"

- "Izuku!"

- He hit the Nomu and sent it flying right back into custody which Aizawa was grateful for because he had also detained the Nomu he was fighting so now he didn't have to worry about taking on another one as well however he wasn't exactly happy about Midoriya's method of putting it there.

- He shattered basically every bone in his body which worried everybody in the area because he wasn't moving even though he wanted to and that's why you were immediately crawling over to him while talking to him trying to get him to react to anything you say or do just to make sure he's okay.

- "Izuku you idiot! Are you okay?! Why would you do that, you moron?! What kind of suicidal maniac uses their quirk to its full ability knowing it will most likely kill them?! Thank you for your help! Seriously though don't ever do that again! Can you even hear me?!"

- You activate your quirk and heal him up as best you can without hurting yourself more in the process, completely forgetting about your own wounds and the exhaustion that's slowly taking over you as you continue to heal him.

- You're very confused when you're the one getting sat on a gurney and rushed into an ambulance especially because you're still able to speak and react to things normally while your boyfriend is over there with a couple of broken bones still in his body.

- "Y/N! Thank goodness I made it in time! Just stay still and rest-. Oh my god, your bleeding! Don't move they'll take good care of you and I'll meet back up with you in the hospital all right!"

- Aizawa has to pry him off of you so the paramedics can actually take you to the hospital and he was literally kicking and screaming because he did not want to leave you even though once again you're still extremely confused as to why you're the one everybody's fussing over.

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