When You Want Attention

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- He's confused when you ask for some of his attention but he gives it to you nonetheless and without hesitation.

- Since he spends so much of his time with you, worrying about you, and just thinking about you in general he's quite surprised when you ask for some more of his time.

- He first panics for a second, thinking that maybe something happened to you while he wasn't there that day or maybe he had done something wrong himself and just imagined all that time he spent with you since he does zone out a lot.

If something is wrong, he'll pounce on you and do whatever he can to make you feel better and comfortable if you just don't want to talk about it.

- If there's nothing wrong and you were just feeling extra affectionate that day then he'll breathe a huge sigh of relief before giving you attention regardless since he still will feel semi-guilty about the scenario he made up in his head.

- "Izuku, why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything wrong that I know of so-"

- "I'm so sorry for making you feel neglected! I promise that I'll spend as much time with you as I can and I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better I promise."

- "Neglected?! Izuku what are you talking about? I just wanted to go out on an extra study date if you could. I'm not feeling neglected you're an amazing boyfriend so don't worry."

- "Oh, thank you. I'm sorry for overreacting."

- He shyly lets you go and steps back with a huge blush on his face since he was hugging you begging for forgiveness.

- You chuckle at his cute behavior and pat his head as you two walk to wherever you were planning to go on your spur of the moment date.

- He's glad that you're happy with him as your boyfriend and he would never want you to feel neglected or unloved by him so he's always giving you attention.

- You also don't ask for much and give him the freedom to leave when he wants if he has a prior engagement with his other friends.

- You're never worried about him cheating or betraying you because you know he loves you so much so you don't feel the need to cling to him constantly.

- You don't want him to feel suffocated either so you rarely ask for extra attention from him since he already spends so much time with you.

- He never feels suffocated and, if anything, he enjoys it when you ask to spend more time with him because that reassures him that you enjoy his company as well.


- At first, he's completely surprised that you want to spend any extra time with him at all because of his temper but he gets over that quickly and just becomes extremely flustered.

- He'll yell at you for embarrassing him all while picking you up and carrying you out of school, heading straight to a cafe to get you whatever you'd like.

- You just giggle and willingly go with him because even though he's complaining you know that the second you show any sign of taking back your statement then he'll chase you down and cling to you waiting for you to tell him what you want to do for the rest of the day.

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