He Walks In On You Changing

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- You had just finished taking a shower after a long day of training and while you were changing into one of his shirts he walked right into your room.

- He froze immediately and stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes just locked onto your barely covered breasts as his face goes completely red in shock.

- You finish putting on his shirt all with him still watching and you walk over to him afterward just to check if he's okay because he hasn't moved since he walked through the door.

- He's seen you naked plenty of times so he doesn't know why he was so caught off guard when he walked in on you with barely anything on but he's pretty sure it's the fact that he saw you changing into his shirt.

- He still stays as still as a statue as you walk around him to shut the door just so no people walking by could see him just standing there staring out a window at this point since you had long moved from the position you were in.

- You wrap your arms around him from behind in an attempt to snap him out of whatever trance he was in and he instinctively holds your hand the second he feels it around his waist.

- He's extremely aware of the soft kisses your placing on the nape of his neck and his spine which just causes him to get even more flustered and even more red in the face.

- "Izuku are you alright? Your face is so red do you have a fever? Don't tell me you started getting flustered by seeing me change into your shirt. We both know it's hardly the first time you've seen me half-naked with a piece of your clothing hanging off me."

- He can barely process anything that's happening around him at the moment and it doesn't help that your hands have begun to move to more questionable places on his body.

- He leans back into your touch and you smile at the quiet whimper that leaves his mouth when you slip your hand under the waistband of his boxers.

- He whines when he hears somebody pounding on his door yelling at you two to go to the living room because Aizawa needed to discuss something with all the students.

- You slip away from him but you do it so slowly so he can indulge in your touch while it lasts and he really doesn't know how to properly recover from what just happened in time for the meeting so he just sticks to staying right behind you.

- He keeps his arms around you the entire time Aizawa is going over the new lesson plans as well as what the future training camps are going to look like.

- He really just can't get the image of you standing half-naked in his room with his shirt halfway over you nor can he forget what got interrupted after that.

- He basically tunes out Aizawa the entire time and constantly nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck as well as your hair still keeping a tight hold on you refusing to let go for any reason.

- You keep a smile on your face the entire time and you're making sure to take extra notes since you know he's not paying attention but you also make sure to run your fingers through his hair any chance you get just to let him know that you're not forgetting what happened either.


- He was looking everywhere for you and he didn't know where the hell you could have ended up since you were right next to him less than ten minutes ago.

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