The Fight

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- "Izuku you need to take a break you're going to die if you keep training like this. Just one day please?"

- You're practically begging him as he sits in a hospital bed with his stomach bandaged and Recover Girl tending to the cuts that he managed to get while training in a wooded area by the dorms.

- "Y/N I'm fine. Recovery Girl will just heal me up and I'm not getting as wounded as I was when I first started so at least I'm not breaking anything anymore. Please don't worry I'll be alright and look I can already stand again."

- You watch as he very visibly winces when he applies pressure to his leg and you also watch as Recovery Girl flat out tells him she can't keep healing him like this, in fact, she says she won't.

- "Izuku please let your body rest for at least one night. Even the greatest heroes need to take breaks every once in a while so please just lay back down."

- "Y/N you don't get it. I have to keep training or I'll fall behind or even worse I won't be able to control One For All when I do become a hero so I need to keep training like this. Your quirk is more support anyway so you'll probably end up a sidekick so you don't really get how hard the rest of us train."

- Your sure he didn't mean to make that comment sound rude but it sure as hell did especially since you're in 1-A and you have an attack quirk that you just train with separate from the class so you don't hurt anybody.

- "Izuku I get it I really do and I'm only trying to help you so you can actually survive to become an actual hero. Even All Might is telling you to take a break so please-"

- "Will you just drop it Y/N! Jeeze I already told you that you don't understand this and like I said you're going to end up a support hero who does paperwork sitting behind a desk all day. You just need to mind your own business for once and just let me train."

- That statement was definitely intended to hurt you or at least shut you up long enough for him to explain to you how his quirk is dangerous and he has to learn how to control it, completely forgetting that you're doing the exact same thing.

- He freezes before he begins to explain when he sees the silent tear that beings to fall down your face which you quickly wipe away and manage to prevent any more of them from falling.

- "Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

- "If you want me to leave you fine but just remember that everyone got into U.A. in general for a reason. I know how hard it is to have a quirk that you can't fully control but when even your mentor is telling you to take a break then maybe you should. I'm not your sidekick Izuku I can't keep helping you every time you screw something up on your body."

- You slam the door behind you as you leave him to really process that he told you of all people to leave him alone in the meanest way he could in his head when you were just trying to help him.

- He waits for Recovery Girl to finish healing him before he leaves to go find you but he runs into his friends instead who bombard him with scolds because of how stupid he was during training since he slipped right off a cliff.

- He realizes quite quickly that you were the only one who actually went with him to Recovery Girl to make sure he was completely fine and then he yelled at you for no reason and the realization of that causes tears of regret to blur his vision.

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