When He Feels Insecure

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- Sometimes he can't really register the fact that he is good enough for you so his mind will start to overthink in certain situations however whenever he does start feeling insecure he never tells you you'll usually have to figure it out by yourself.

- That's what happened this time, he took you shopping and watched as you eagerly tried on a bunch of different clothes however even though you were enjoying yourself something was just nagging in the back of his mind.

- You're absolutely gorgeous not to mention respectful to the people around you and the staff working at the clothes shop in general so you were looking particularly perfect today and something in his mind just told him that he doesn't deserve you.

- He feels like he's let you down so many times and seeing just how amazing you are it scares him to think about how you could definitely find someone who would make sure you are never harmed again someone who would make sure that you wouldn't be stuck with another scar that could've easily been prevented if you were with them instead of him.

- He doesn't know why his mind started to wander to these kinds of places but he couldn't stop it once it started and he didn't want to bring it up to you especially because you were enjoying yourself so he just kept to the side of the store and let you continue happily trying on a bunch of clothes.

- You noticed however that he suddenly became pretty absent when you were asking whether or not he liked your clothes usually giving you one-worded answers while staring off into space so you knew something was wrong with him.

- You thought that maybe he needed a change of scenery so you decided to take him to the food court just to get some food in him as well as trying to get him into a more comfortable area in an attempt to help ease whatever might be going on with him.

- However, this only made his thoughts worse because as you both were walking through the mall he noticed that quite a few people were checking you out and it made his stomach churn as he thought about how much better you would look with them.

- He stopped short while walking with you effectively making you stop as well and at this point you could tell that he needed to go somewhere quiet to either talk to you or to try and calm himself down either way you knew you needed to get him out of this extremely busy mall as fast as you could so you could avoid making him feel worse.

- You pulled him all the way to the exit of the mall and then dragged him all the way to a nearby park that was mostly hidden from the rest of the world so you wouldn't really have to worry about anyone bothering or interrupting him if he decides to reply to you when you ask him what's going on with him.

- You asked him calmly about what was making him upset and you could tell that he was hesitating to speak and he was, purely because he was worried that you would think he was being stupid or overreacting and in his mind, he was sure that if he said something wrong in this moment you might leave him however with some gentle coaxing from you he finally spoke.

- "I-It's just...w-when you were trying on all those clothes with that happy smile on your face I couldn't help but think that maybe...maybe you deserve better...than me. I-It just got worse when I noticed how so many of the guys we passed were looking at you and checking you out. I-I know I've let you down in more ways than one and I would understand if you wanted someone better but I'll try my best to make sure that I could be better for you."

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