NSFW Alphabet - Bakugo

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- He's not really that caring after sex mainly because he's so wrapped up in the moment that he just forgets.

- He'll grab a tissue and clean you up at the end but that's about it because he's caught up in trying to control himself and trying to give you room to breathe and rest.

- You're usually the one who grabs food or runs a bath or shower if you can even walk afterward and if you can't you just put up with the hunger until morning because you're usually out of stamina by the time you two finish.

- He will cuddle you though and make sure that you're okay before he passes out or gets called back to training.

- He wants to make you comfortable but the both of you are so tired at the end that he just elects to stay in bed with you instead of doing the extra stuff.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

- He doesn't really have a favorite body part when it comes to his own because he doesn't really care all that much about his body parts and what they look like.

- He loves pretty much every body part on your body though, from your thighs to your breasts he loves everything and likes to utilize all of them as much as he can.

-He just can't pick a favorite with you because every part of you is so attractive to him so he just ends up touching everywhere he can whenever he can and every time he touches you you have a different reaction which just makes him feel like he has more power.

- He likes the reaction that each touch to each body part causes, from you blushing or trying to slap him he loves it all.

- So, he can't really pick a favorite because he loves experimenting with all of your body, not just a single part.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

- He'll cum anywhere and everywhere and if you're on the pill that means he cums inside you as well and he couldn't give less of a fuck about the mess that may follow.

- His favorite place to cum is usually on your face or thighs and most likely you'll have cum leaking out of you at one point.

- You aren't left out, however, because he's always making you cum and he always makes sure that you finish before him so he knows that you were satisfied at least once before he cums as well, wherever that may be.

- He'll always use whatever he has to to make sure that you're satisfied and he doesn't give a damn if he cums or not.

- He'll most likely cause you to get overstimulated because he can last for so fucking long and when he does finish you've usually already came at least twice.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- He wants to use his quirk on you while you're having sex, not enough to hurt you but just enough to have the slightest bit of pain.

- He may be a bit of a sadist but he doesn't really want to bring this up with you because he's afraid that you'll get freaked out.

- He does really want to see what happens when his palms heat up and the sweat on his skin causes his quirk to become even more powerful and just slightly burn you just to see how you would react to the pain.

- There's something about it that just makes him feel like he's in full control of the situation and can do whatever he wants to you.

- He doesn't want to do anything like this without your consent though because then it's just not enjoyable and he knows that he'll feel horrible about hurting you.

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