Appreciating Your Scars

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- You hate the scar across your throat which is why you always cover it up with something whether that be makeup or a choker or even a high collared shirt just to make sure nobody can see it.

- You aren't bothered by it because of the memories it brings back you're more bothered by it because of how...for lack of a better word ugly it looks to you mostly because of how wide the scar is in general.

- You just hate it and most of the time you can barely bring yourself to look at it in general so you were surprised when he started to pay special attention to your scar.

- When it used to send shockwaves of pain through you he would always do whatever he could to numb that pain whether that be scrambling to grab a medicine or ointments just to soothe the skin but when the pain eventually numbs out he started to kiss it.

- It seems like he gravitates towards your scar now whenever he's anywhere near your neck and his favorite thing to do is trace it with his tongue because he knows that it sends shivers right down your spine.

- He'll also leave a couple of marks around your scar as if he was making a border around it and for some reason, he just loves it even though he does know you despise it he actually finds it beautiful.

- Other than the scar on your throat you do have quite a few all over you on random places on your body so whenever he spots them he will always make an effort to either trace them or gently kiss them.

- He doesn't want you to hate every scar you have nor does he want your mind to be riddled with insecurities because of them which is why he always showers you with compliments whenever he is paying special attention to those beautiful scars of yours.

- Eventually, he's able to convince you that your scars aren't ugly and that they aren't something to be ashamed of because he knows that's one of the sole reasons why you hate the one on your neck.

- Since he managed to convince you of that, you don't necessarily hate any of your scars but you don't like them either and he knows that's as good as it's going to get so he doesn't go as far as to try to convince you to like them.

- "I love every single part of you Y/N scars and all. Everything about you makes my head spin and I wouldn't change anything about you. Please don't hate your scars because they are absolutely beautiful."

- He doesn't know what else to say other than that and if you eventually decide that you do like your scars then he will be extremely happy but until then he'll continue complimenting them like no tomorrow.

- If he can tell that you're feeling worried about them in general whether it be you feeling insecure or just nervous about them he'll immediately wrap his arms around you and ask if he can touch them or kiss them because he wants to make you feel better.

- He knows that his actions help put you at ease quite frequently and sometimes it takes longer to do so but he doesn't care how long it takes he will sit there just admiring every single inch of you for as long as you want him to.

- He has told you many times that he also admires your scars on top of loving them for the same reason you admire his, they showcase what you've been through and how far you've come at the same time.

- He just hopes that one day you'll come to love your own scars as much as he does because he does genuinely want you to love every single part of yourself.

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