NSFW Alphabet - Aizawa

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- He's either too tired or too busy to be super caring right after sex and you're fine with that since you two usually have sex in the middle of a school day and you have to get back to teaching.

- If it's at night though and he went really hard he makes sure that you're okay and comfortable before he goes off to do something else.

- When he does go super hard you usually can't walk for the rest of the night and for most of the morning so he just carries you around wherever you need or want to go because you're the most important thing to him even though he doesn't act like it.

- He sometimes feels bad for just leaving you in the bedroom so he'll stop whatever he was doing and bring you your favorite snack, watch a movie or a few episodes of a show with you and then go back to what he was doing.

- He'll sometimes just walk right back into the bedroom again and just go to sleep with you because he doesn't want you to feel lonely without him.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

- He doesn't really care about his body all that much but he grew to love the scar under his right eye and his eyes in general.

- He really likes his scar now thanks to you because you usually end up gently stroking or kissing it during sex and that just drives him crazy.

- While he likes his eyes and scar he really likes your wrists since they feel so thin and fragile when his hand wraps around them to pin them down or to just caress them while you play with his hair or stroke his scar.

- It just increases his control over you when he realizes that they're so thin that it only takes one of his hands to pin them down and leave a mark.

- He also loves to tie your wrists together and see the marks that were left when you struggled against your restraints.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

- He likes to cum in weirdly specific places like on your face but not close to your hair, or on your thighs without any of it hitting your ass or pussy.

- He acknowledges that it's kind of weird but he just doesn't want to have to worry about cleaning up more of a mess than necessary.

- If he's really worried about a mess then he'll just cum inside you or inside the condom on the rare occasion that you two have one on you so it's really easy to clean up and he doesn't have to worry about showers or messy bedsheets.

- He doesn't care where you want to finish so you just have to say the word if you want to cum on his tongue, fingers, or just stick to his cock.

- If you ask him to finish somewhere specific he'll do that too but if it's just normal and he doesn't have a request from you he tries to keep the mess to a minimum.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- He desperately wants to make a sex swing out of his scarf but he thinks that it'll freak you out too much and it might not even work in the first place.

- You already let him tie you up if he wants to but he's pretty sure that a sex swing made out of his scarf would just be too complicated and the both of you would just be turned off by the time it finally gets set up and ready.

- He tends to think about how he could get it set up quickly but he just knows that too many things might go wrong and he doesn't want to ruin the mood.

- He just ended up fantasizing about it while jacking off at one point and it hasn't left his mind since so he thinks about it more than he would like to admit.

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