The Arrest

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- It's been quite a long time since either of you has had any kind of a normal day so the both of you were very suspicious when things were relatively quiet from the moment you woke up to the moment you were about to go to sleep.

- The students were off which meant neither of you had to deal with school and he didn't really feel like training so the both of you decided to just take a rest day which went by pretty you knew something had to happen eventually.

- You two were sitting on the couch in the living room of the dorms getting ready to watch a movie and also getting ready to invite your classmates if they'd like to join in when suddenly, a very angry Aizawa storms in with an entire police force right behind him.

- Aizawa looks at the both of you with a very sad and apologetic look before the police chief takes over and immediately starts walking towards the both of you with handcuffs at the ready so the both of you know someone's about to be arrested however neither of you thought it would be him.

- The police chief not so calmly explains that he's being put under arrest for murder a murder he obviously didn't do which is what you try to tell them before you're roughly shoved to the side and told not to interfere.

- He didn't react well to that at all, he would have gone peacefully if they hadn't laid a finger on you but now he's arguing and telling them not to touch you at all even though you're more focused on the fact that he's currently being cuffed and escorted away.

- "What the hell is going on?! What murder is he being charged for?! You can't just barge in here with no explanation and arrest a student without proper cause! Let him go this is ridiculous! He wouldn't kill anyone!"

- You're just as confused as him which is why you are desperately pleading his case trying to figure out how the hell they think he killed someone especially since he spends almost all of his time with you so you know that's not the case.

- Aizawa pulls you to the side when they walk by you completely ignoring your pleas and he calmly explains to you that he's been preaching the exact same case for hours but they won't listen to him because they think the evidence is too strong.

- "Y/N I'm going to be okay all right, just stay calm okay, and call a lawyer. I promise everything's going to be fine. This is just a big misunderstanding and once these people finally realize that I'll be back home in no time."

- He's trying to talk you down so you don't lash out at any of the cops or at any of the heroes currently arresting him and while he is extremely confused he knows that actively fighting back will only make his case worse.

- He's going to mouth off though especially because of how rough they're handling both him and you but he's not going to actively try to break out of the cuffs and he does hope that eventually they'll tell him what exactly happened to make them think he murdered someone.

- Whatever evidence they have can't be real so all he has to do is prove that he wasn't at the scene or that the evidence they have doesn't relate to him in the slightest and he'll be back at the dorms in no time.

- The moment they leave the dorms, you're on the phone with the best lawyer you know, and with Aizawa right next to you giving you and the lawyer some information that you desperately need they immediately agree to take the case.

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